Page 23 of Torrid Track
No pressure, right? Nothing like dangling crack in front of an addict and expecting them to be able to resist the temptation. Getting mauled by an animal would be a blessing.
A car slowed by me. “Need a ride?” the driver asked.
“No thanks,” I shouted.
He waved and drove away.
A few minutes later, I heard another car. I glanced back and recognized the BMW coming my way. “What the fuck was Brynne doing at Ted’s?”
I turned my face to the side so she couldn’t see it. If she offered me a ride, I would spank her butt.
She drove passed me without slowing. Good. At least she recognized the dangers of giving a ride to a stranger. I’d say she was smart, but I wasn’t so sure.
What had she been doing at Ted’s Peep Club?
Had she seen me there?
Christ, this night kept getting worse.
I stopped and dragged my hands down the sides of my face. I was halfway to the gas station. Should I hike back to Ted’s or say fuck it? Brynne was an adult and not my woman. She could do as she damn well pleased.
Didn’t matter. I needed to know about her business in a sex club.
I took my phone out of my back pocket and called Espada.
“Sorry to interrupt your fun.” I resumed my journey down the mountain.
Espada snorted. “Just getting the pipes cleared. Guess you could call it fun.”
“Shit. Going all out, aye?”
“Yes. What do you want?”
“I saw Brynne. She was in the club.”
“Dirty little girl.” He made a sound like clearing his throat and growling simultaneously.
“Don’t fucking call her that.”
“Wasn’t. Was talking to the chick sucking me off.”
“Goddammit. Did you have to tell me that?” I gritted my teeth. His words made me imagine Brynne on her knees in front of me. I took in the woods, nature at its purest, then dirtied it up with my lewd thoughts. It would be hot as fuck if Brynne were naked, dirt smeared on her fair skin and my cock deep in her throat.
“No, but I like getting a rise out of you.”
“What do you want me to do, boss?” The chick with him gagged. “Slow down,” he told her.
“See what you can find out about her there at Ted’s.” I wanted off this fucking call. Just knowing what was happening on the other end turned me on.
“Done. Later.” As he ended the call, he muttered, “Get ready for me to fuck your ass, you dirty little girl.”
Son of a bitch. I did not need to hear that shit.
My steps turned into stomping. I could tell it would be a late one. But I’d stay up all night waiting for Espada to get home if I had to. I needed to know what Brynne was doing at Ted’s Peep Club. I hoped she was there with friends having a girls’ night out.