Page 40 of Torrid Track
“Yes, really. Why would I lie?” Although, I wanted to give Joseph the honor of deflowering me. I was confident he’d handle me with care and rock my world.
After graduation, Brynne. Right. He doesn’t even want me.
“I believe you. Sorry.” She sighed and leaned against the wall. “It’s hard to believe we only have a little more than a week. We’re going to keep in touch, right?”
“Yes. You can come to Chicago, and I’ll visit you in California.” My phone buzzed on the dresser. I hopped off the bed to answer it. I saw the caller’s name and knew I needed to answer. “Gina, I need to take this.”
“Sure, I’ll order a pizza for dinner.”
“That’d be great. Thanks.” I answered the phone, “Uncle Dorian? Is everything okay?” He never called me. My stomach twisted into knots.
“Brynne, how’s my beautiful girl? Ready to grab the world by the balls, I’m sure.”
I smiled. “You know it. Take no prisoners, right?”
“Absolutely.” He chuckled, and I pictured his blue eyes twinkling. “Are you doing good? Any issues that need fixing. I’m your man for the job.”
“Nope, everything is in order. I’ve passed all my classes.” Your man stood out to me for some strange reason. He always told me that he was my man. I hadn’t thought much about it before, but the phrase didn’t sit well with me. Maybe it was because when I thought of my man, it was Joseph’s face I saw.
“I knew you had it covered. You rarely need me.” There was a bite in Dorian’s tone that my ears perk up.
“Uncle, I’m almost twenty-two and have been living on my own for four years. I’m independent and don’t need a man to take care of me.” Why I felt the need to defend myself had me pacing in my bedroom.
“Phew, listen to you. You remind me so much of your mother. She was feisty too. Your father couldn’t tame her. Speaking of your dad. He’s the reason I’m calling.”
I sucked in a breath. “Is he okay?”
“Now, I don’t want you to worry, but—”
“But what? Has something happened to him?”
“Jeez, Brynne. Relax. Bruno suffered a mild heart attack.”
“Oh my God! When?”
“He doesn’t want you to worry.”
“When, Dorian?” I shouted.
“Last weekend.” His voice raised like mine.
“What? And you’re just now calling me! Jesus, I need to see him.”
“No. He’s fine. Stay for graduation, then you can see him afterward.”
“Don’t tell me what to do. If I want to fly home to see my dad, I will do just that. Thank you very much.” Jerk. How dare he boss me around? I grabbed my duffle bag and tossed it onto my bed.
“Brynne!” he yelled. “Do you want to make him feel guilty? He didn’t call you because he knew you would freak out. It appears he was right.”
I teared up and swallowed. “Is he really okay? I want to at least talk to him.”
“He’s resting now, but you can call him tomorrow afternoon.”
Tomorrow? What if he had another heart attack? What if today was my only chance to tell him I loved him? This felt eerily familiar, like when my mom had tucked me into bed, and I never saw her again. I could wake up in the morning and be orphaned. No mother or father.
“I want to talk to him tonight.”