Page 72 of The Rules of Dating (The Laws of Opposite Attract)
“I never thought I’d tell my son to keep a mother from a child. But the reasons Maya has come back scare me, too. Any person who would use a child as a pawn to get what they want can’t be trusted with our Saylor’s well-being. I hate to say not to fight for what’s right, but sometimes it doesn’t matter who wins. The war itself does all the damage.”
My eyes welled up. “I don’t know what to do. But I can’t risk Saylor getting hurt in all this.”
My mother reached out and covered my hand with hers. “It sounds like you’ve already made a choice, son.”
I closed my eyes.
“How long would you have to stay married?” she asked.
“I met with an immigration attorney, and he said the process averages about nine months from the time the application is made. We’d have to go through interviews and stuff, which is where the risk of getting caught comes in. But the attorney didn’t seem too concerned with that since Maya and I have a four-year-old. I guess it helps to look like we’ve been together a while.”
Mom nodded. “Well, at least it wouldn’t interrupt your life for too long.” She forced a smile. “I guess the bright side is that you’re single, so there won’t be a third party involved to get hurt.”
Heaviness settled into my chest as I caught my mom’s eye. “I met someone, Mom. I was going to tell you about her.”
“Oh, Colby…”
“Her name is Billie, and she’s absolutely amazing. We’ve been circling around things for a while because she wanted to be sure before she got involved with someone who has a child. But I really think she could be the one.”
My mom smiled sadly. “I’m so happy to hear that. Though obviously the timing isn’t ideal.”
“What does Billie think about all of this?”
“I haven’t spoken to her about what the attorneys said today yet. But since the moment Maya knocked on my door, Billie’s priority seems to have been looking out for Saylor. Though I’m not sure she could handle things if I wind up marrying this psycho. I’m hoping to talk to her after Saylor goes to sleep tonight.”
Mom and I were both quiet for a moment before she squeezed my hand. “It sounds like this Billie has her priorities right. Why don’t you let Saylor stay over here tonight? We love having her, and I think you could use some time.”
I nodded. “That would be great, Mom. I’ll ask her when she and Dad get back, but I’m sure she’d love to spend the night.”
An hour later, I headed home without my daughter. Saylor had jumped up and down with excitement when I’d mentioned sleeping at my parents’. It was probably for the best, seeing as my little girl was already an expert at reading her old man. Since I had the entire evening to myself, I decided to walk the mile and a half home to my apartment. It was a nice night, and I hoped the fresh air would help clear my head. On my way, I stopped at a florist and picked up a bouquet of wildflowers for Billie, then took a leap of faith and picked up some fresh ravioli and bread, thinking maybe I could make her dinner and get her to spend the night. By the time I arrived at Billie’s Ink, I hadn’t worked out any of my problems, but I did figure out what I needed for the next twelve hours—a quiet night at home with my girl.
Justine greeted me as I walked into the shop. She took one look at the big bouquet in my hands and smiled. “She’s with a client. But any man who comes in looking like you do right now gets a free pass to the back.” She tilted her head toward the door. “Go make my boss’s day, cutie pie.”
I smiled. “Thanks, Justine.”
But my smile wilted damn fast when I got one look at what Billie was doing—tattooing some dude’s ass. Though her face lit up when she saw me standing there.
“Hey, you.” She took her foot from the pedal and lifted the needle from the guy’s skin. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”
Deek winked at me. “You didn’t have to bring me flowers, big boy. I’m easy. Wine and lube is more my brand of romance.”
I chuckled and lifted my chin. “What’s up, Deek?”
The guy lying on his belly across Billie’s hydraulic chair looked up at her. “Can we take a piss break?”
“Yeah, sure. Just give me a second to cover your cheek with some plastic so the area stays sterile.”
When she was done, she told the guy not to pull up his underwear in the back. So I watched some man’s hairy ass walk to the bathroom with three quarters of a rose tattooed on it. Well, the left cheek was hairy, anyway. The right had been shaved.