Page 14 of Filthy Rock Stars
“You should consider it,” Owen says. “When else will you have the chance to play music for a major rock band?”
My limbs are numb. I was scared of sharing my music and being rejected, but this is a million times worse. They’re looking at me like I’m capable of something that I’m probably not at all capable of, and now I have to come up with some pathetic excuse.
“Think about it,” Fox says, then offers me a business card. “We’re around this weekend.”
Somehow, despite all my fears, I take the card.
“We can’t keep meetingin the cold like this.”
The familiar, gentle voice grabs my attention, and I turn and eye the man I haven’t stopped thinking about all week. He’s just as gorgeous as I remember, wrapped up in a navy-blue sweater and green jacket, a shy smile on his lips.
Black hair in short curls, just long enough to bury my fingers in. Elegant hands, clever eyes.
That wide, adorable nose. It wrecks me.
The park is nearly empty at dusk, and I consider grabbing him and pulling him into the trees without another word. Instead, though, I casually lean back on my bike and offer a smile.
“You made it.”
“I did.”
“I’m glad.”
His smile grows. It’s deeply satisfying to see.
“Do you drink?” I ask.
He scrunches his brow. “Sometimes. Why?”
“You’re cold,” I tell him. “I know a place we can warm up.”
The guy hesitates. His cheeks are so round. I want to kiss them.
“Do I need to woo you more first” I ask. “I can do it. I’m just not in practice.”
He laughs. “It’s weird that you don’t have a name. I need a name if I’m going to let you take me somewhere. Even a fake one.”
I stand to full height. We’re making progress.
“What name do you think suits me. Dwayne? Rocco? Edgar?”
He laughs. “What? No. You don’t look anything like those names. Especially not Edgar.”
I squint at him. “You could maybe be an Edgar. Probably not, though.”
He quivers under my gaze, tugging at my pleasure.
“Isgorgeoustoo cheesy?” I ask. “Sweet cheeks? Bubble butt?”
He laughs. “I require actual human names.”
“You know he’s not human.”