Page 66 of Filthy Rock Stars
“In a cake,” Case objects, like I’m the arbiter. “She’s complaining as though we didn’t get to have cake for breakfast every day.”
Mare laughs. “It was a very strong cake,” she tells me.
I grin. “I’m glad you had fun.”
“And we figured out a strategy for Forbidden Destiny,” Star adds. “We’re going to address it head-on. Offer one select interview to a magazine, open a conversation about the costs of toxic culture, and invite Elle and Adrian to join us and leave it all behind, although they’ll undoubtedly decline.”
“It’s a teaching moment,” Mare says with a confident nod. “And after we’ve had our say, if Forbidden Destiny keeps acting like assholes, we’ll go right back to ignoring them.”
I nod. “I’m impressed you can be so mature and level-headed after everything that’s happened.”
Case grunts. “I don’t know if mature can describe some of the rants Mare went on last week.”
Mare laughs. “Those were for the cabin. I was letting off steam.” She nods to the keytar case, sitting by my side. “I see you brought your instrument. Does that mean you’ve thought about our offer?”
I swallow. “I did. I have.” They’re all looking at me, expectant and excited. “I am so, so grateful and humbled that you want me to join the band. It means more to me than I know how to explain. And I want to.” Case’s face lights up. “But I have to tell you all something first.”
They keep staring, Star with heavy black makeup around her eyes and Mare with an open, easy smile.
“Okay. So. You remember I was seeing a guy anonymously?”
“Sure,” Star says with a grin. “You supplied the good backstage gossip. We wouldn’t forget that.”
“Right. Well, I figured out who that guy is. Right after we had that conversation. While we were on stage.”
Mare tilts her head to the side. “On stage?”
“It turns out he’s in Forbidden Destiny. Shadow. The guitarist.”
I watch comprehension work its way across their expressions, like they’re all learning bad news.
“He didn’t know who I was, either,” I say quickly, my carefully planned thoughts falling apart as I rush to explain. “We weren’t lying to each other. And he doesn’t like the rivalry. He’s against it. I wasn’t lying to you, either. But he’s closeted, so I couldn’t tell you right away. I panicked on the plane, and once I talked to him, you were gone. But still, I never told him anything sensitive about the band, and I’d never betray you, to him or anyone.”
Case blinks. “Shit,” he says flatly.
“Yeah. Holy shit,” Star agrees.
Mare sits on a stool. She gives me a skeptical look, studying me. “Nico, are you sure…”
“Maybe this was intentional,” Star says, completing Mare’s thought. “With the rivalry.” She’s talking delicately, picking her words. “Could Shadow have sought you out?”
“What? No!” I object quickly. “He’d never do something like that. I met him before I even auditioned for you.”
They all share an uncomfortable glance.
“He’s a good guy,” I say, struggling not to sound defensive. “He’s not like the rest of his band. They tricked him into ambushing us on the show, and you remember—he didn’t even play his instrument.”
Mare wrinkles her pink eyebrows, her expression concerned but not unkind. “You’re still seeing him?”
“I am. I want to.” I suddenly feel like I’m supposed to ask permission or something and that just makes me panic.
They might say I can’t see Shadow, and I realize I’m unable to even contemplate the idea.
“He’s trying to leave Forbidden Destiny. I promised I’d keep his confidence with some things, but I can tell you that he’s not going to betray us to his band. He’s done with them.”
Case scratches his chin, looking at me awkwardly. “You really trust him,” he says. “I get that. But just a couple of weeks ago, you told us you didn’t even know his name.” He shakes his head quickly, correcting himself. “I’m not doubting you,” he adds. “I know you’re a very clearheaded person, Nico.”