Page 20 of Full Surrender
The warrior in him demanded to know why, if she hadn’t been assaulted, she would “freak out” during intimacy, and who he needed to castrate as payback. But he understood now that he should take care of her first and think about the rest later.
“So this is a test of sorts.” He focused all his thoughts on her. The present.
“For me more than you,” she assured him, her hand splayed along his ribs. Her thighs shifting lightly against his.
“Then we’d better go study.” He scooped her up in his arms, one arm beneath her knees and the other under her shoulders. Standing, he left his guitar in the case on the deck, knowing the salt water would trash it but willing to make that sacrifice for something far more precious. “We’re both going to ace this one.”
FOR A MOMENT, Stephanie’s nervousness melted away. After months of waiting, she was really going to be with Danny again.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he strode across the deck toward the French doors to the house, allowing herself a dreamy sigh of satisfaction before her nervousness returned. And she knew it would. She’d pinned so much on this reunion with him that it was inevitable she’d be wound up about it.
“What about your guitar?” She looked back over Danny’s shoulder at the case resting on the patio outside, her heart beating fast as he carried her into the house.
“I have others.” He never broke stride as he strode down a hall off the kitchen. “And if you’re thinking about the six-string—” he paused as he flicked on a light in a big, modern laundry room “—then I’d better give you something else to occupy your mind.”
“We’re going to do laundry?” She peered around at the stainless-steel front-loader washing machine and the old-fashioned drying rack standing beside a matching dryer.
“Hardly.” He turned so she could see the other side of the room, where a small, inset stall looked like a minishower with a big grate on the floor that covered a drain. “I thought you’d want to wash the sand off your feet.”
He set her on top of the grate and removed a handheld showerhead that had been installed at waist level.
“Cool.” Her bare feet were definitely gritty, as were his. “It’s a foot shower?”
“No. It’s a spot to wash the dog I don’t own yet.” He turned the water on, but pointed it down into the drain until he was happy with the temperature. Then he handed the showerhead to her. “I designed the house myself, and I figured this setup would be nice to have in the future.”
Stephanie sighed with pleasure at the hot water between her toes.
“And helpful when your feet are sandy. How clever.” She worked on the other foot while Danny grabbed a towel from a stack in a basket above the dryer. “I’ll be anxious to take a closer look at the rest of the house to see what you’ve done.”
Stepping onto the towel, she traded places with him so he could wash off.
“Tomorrow,” he said firmly, shutting off the water. He stepped onto the towel before coming toward her. “Right now, I think we have an experiment to conduct. A test to take.”
His green eyes fixed on her.
Her mouth went dry. Nervousness spiked, but not nearly as much as her desire for him. All her hopes for this night—this moment—made her tremble.
The force of the attraction made her launch herself into his arms. She kissed him with years of pent-up longing, allowing herself to show him how much she wanted him. She’d held back earlier, unsure of his response. But now, there was no need. He understood what she wanted.
What she feared.
His lips were soft and slow against hers, his deliberate control of the kiss helping her to relax and just enjoy it.
When he broke away from her, his gaze dropped to her mouth.
“I’m going to take you upstairs now.”
It wasn’t a question. But then, she’d signed on for this the moment she propositioned him. She nodded, her lips tingling from the scorching look he gave her as much as the kiss.
“Let’s go.” She offered him her hand, ready to follow him anywhere.
* * *
DANNY SWALLOWED HARD as he led her through the darkened house. Up the stairs. Into his bedroom.
Last night, when he’d thought about returning home after six months at sea, he’d never in a million years envisioned her here with him. She’d given him something so special and unexpected that he wanted to make this perfect for her.
In fact, that’s how he was going to keep his head on straight tonight—thinking about her and what she wanted. This wasn’t about him and how much he’d dreamed about her. Feared for her. Wanted to avenge her.