Page 40 of Murder & Mayhem
“It starts with confronting my past and getting closure.”
“And after that?”
“Then I have to work out what I want to do with this life—find things that make me happy and hold on to them.” A soft smile breaks free as a fiery redhead comes to mind. As if sensing where my thoughts have gone, Luc tilts his head slightly to one side.
“Like my sister?”
I chuckle. “Yeah, man.”
We both fall silent, and I can see he’s working through everything I’ve told him. When he’s decided he doesn’t have any other questions, he gives me a half-smile and exits the office, leaving me alone. I’ve no idea if I’ve gotten through to him, but I felt it was important for him to hear all that. I don’t want him to end up like myself or so many others I’ve seen—regretting his decision and trapped in a situation he can’t get out of. Not that I imagine Red would let him get that far. And even if he did manage to dig himself into a hole, he’d never be alone. He’d have Red fighting for him, and she’d have us. So basically, he’d have an entire army at his back.
I tap my finger against the top of the desk as a smile grows on my face. “Sawyer,” I say her name out loud, this time taking the time to savor it. I huff out a breath as I think about how furious she will be when she finds out I know her real name. I don’t understand her insistence on not telling people, but I like that I’m one of only a small few who know her real identity. Slowly, I’m peeling back her layers and uncovering the complex woman underneath it all. And well, she’s pretty damn spectacular.
The next day, I look out over the small group of men we have gathered to take with us today. Excluding Marcus, they have been with Cain since the beginning. “Keep your heads up, your eyes open,” I remind them. “Grim claims this is to discuss a peace treaty, but I wouldn’t put it past him to ambush us.”
After we found one of Grim’s men selling guns in our territory and claimed the last of the downtown area as our own—not to mention we’ve been sending men out regularly into Grim’s territory, a not so subtle warning that we’re keeping an eye on him—the man himself reached out to us. His words about wanting to come to a peaceful arrangement are all bullshit. Men like Grim don’t back down, especially not so easily, but it wasn’t a discussion we could agree to pass on—not without starting an all-out war with them. And since we’re finally starting to make some headway with the Antonellis, our focus needs to be there. Not on Grim and his overinflated ego. Hence why we’ve gathered the men today, ready to go find out exactly what histalkwill entail.
We spread ourselves out over two cars, with another four men on bikes, wanting to look as imposing as possible when we ride up to Grim’s gates.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Cain says as we make our way across town. We’re the only two in the car, allowing us to talk freely.
“Same, but we didn’t have a choice.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he shoots us the second we roll-up.”
“He’s not that stupid.” Even if he did, there's an entire clubhouse of men behind us that would storm in there in retaliation. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to go head-to-head with one of the kids, never mind an entire army of them.
“He’s not that smart either,” Cain retorts.
“We’re as prepared as we can be. And the men know to move if they don’t hear from us in a couple of hours. Who knows, maybe it really will be a peace agreement,” I say optimistically, earning myself a doubtful snort. “At least that would enable us to put all of our efforts on the Antonellis. Especially now that Red seems to be making some headway with Dante.”
Cain’s hands tighten around the wheel. “I don’t like that she’s pimping herself out to him for us.”
I roll my eyes at his dramatics. “Dude, she’s not. And you need to get your head out of your ass when it comes to her.” It’s the same fucking shit I’ve been saying to him for weeks now. “You realize your actions are only pushing her away?” My own anger sparks as I growl out, “You’re hurting her.”
The asshole doesn’t respond, but I notice the tick in his jaw out of the corner of my eye, and I can only hope my words have gotten through to him. I’d hate to have to hold him down so Red can beat the crap out of him for being a shithead.
Neither of us speaks again until we’re pulling up at the gates outside a red-bricked fire station. Peering through the metal bars while we wait for someone to inform Grim we’re here and open the gates, I notice motorcycles parked all over the yard, and one of the doors, where the fire trucks would have been stored, is open, allowing me to see into some sort of garage where men are working on various cars and bikes. Lifting my gaze to each of the towers at the corner of the building, I spot men standing on the small balconies, and guns held loosely in their grasp as they patrol the compound from above.
A movement out of the corner of the windshield draws my attention to the six-foot-tall, concrete walls on either side of the gate that undoubtedly surround Grim’s base perimeter. Standing on top of the wall, either side of the gate, with their rifles aimed at us, are two more guards.Wonderful.
The gates rattle open after a few moments, and we drive through. We don’t immediately get out, instead taking a moment to analyze our surroundings. A circle of men, all armed, forms around our convoy, however, they stay back, giving us our space.
“I guess this is it,” Cain grumbles before flinging open his door. I’m right behind him, ignoring all the eyes on us as I walk around the front of the vehicle, joining the others.
“Leave your weapons at the vehicles,” one of Grim’s men shouts.
“So we can’t defend ourselves when you gun us down?” Cain shouts back.
The guy just shrugs. “Those are the rules.”
Grumbling under his breath, Cain signals for us to do as they say, and I shrug out of my leather jacket, removing the gun holster and the gun tucked into the back of my jeans and setting them in the backseat. The others do the same, and when we’re all ready, Cain turns to face the crowd again. “Do you wanna give us a pat-down? Or maybe we should just strip naked so you can see what a good set of dick ‘n’ balls looks like,” Cain goads.
With anger flashing in his eyes, the designated spokesman bites back, “That won’t be necessary. You can bring a couple of men inside, but the rest stay here.”
Catching Marcus’s eye, Cain gives his head an imperceptible tilt, and the three of us break away from the others. As we approach the man who has been giving us the orders, I size him up, taking in his scruffy appearance, long hair tied back in a top knot and the vice president badge on his leather cut.