Page 72 of Murder & Mayhem
My brows furrow as I try to understand what he’s saying. “So he doesn’t want you to babysit me, but he’s doing it anyway because…”
“Because I’m the only person he trusts, and he places your safety above his own desire to keep you all to himself. Besides, it’s not that Dantecan’tshare. He’s just never learned how to.”
I laugh. “And you think you’re going to be the one to teach him.”
The smirk he gives me is all sex, and I have to look away as thoughts of being pressed between him and Dante flash across my mind, making my nipples harden. Lifting my mug off the breakfast bar, I sip on my morning coffee as I push those unbidden thoughts away and instead try to glean some more information from Enzo.
“You were supposed to be Dante’s second in command when he took over for his father, right?”
Enzo looks up from drying the last of this morning's dishes. Storm clouds roll across his eyes, darkening the shade from a vibrant green to more of a forest color. “I was.” His voice is strained, giving away how much it bothers him that he’s not anymore.
“But his dad didn’t want that.”
Enzo’s sharp bark is cold and brief. “Couldn’t hand the keys of the kingdom to a traitor's son, could he?”
My own anger sparks at Enzo’s despondent tone and the detached look in his eye. “Your father’s actions aren’t yours.”
He scoffs. “Try telling that to him.”
“But Giovanni will be dead by then. Can’t Dante just disobey him?”
Enzo lifts his gaze from where he was staring at the floor, giving me a small, sad smile. “It’s not that easy. There’s a whole agreement involved. Dante went last week and vowed in front of Giovanni and his men that Sam would be his Consigliere. If he didn’t uphold that vow, he’d never be respected as the new Don.”
“Oh.” I had no idea Dante had had to do that. I can tell how much Enzo means to him, so it can’t have been easy to stand up and promise to give such an intimate position to someone he doesn’t trust. Nor can it have been easy on Enzo, knowing a place that is rightfully his was being handed to someone else. “I’m sorry.”
Lines furrow across his forehead as his eyebrows dip. “Why?”
“It’s my fault. He only agreed to Sam so he could marry me. To protect me.”
Setting the drying cloth down on the counter, he reaches across the breakfast bar to take my hand in his. “None of this is your fault. Giovanni was never going to let Dante give that position to me. He already had the leverage he needed to ensure it didn’t happen before you came along. You were just the final nail in the coffin.”
I hold his gaze while I think over what he just said. Giovanni already had leverage. It takes a second before it clicks, and my eyes widen as I stare at Enzo. “He found out about you two.”
His brows lift in surprise. “How did you—”
“Girls just know these things.”Aaand I may have watched you giving Dante head in his office.
When Enzo just continues to stare at me, I move the conversation along. “Well, I’m still sorry. If anything, your relationship with him only further proves thatyou’rethe one who should be standing at his side when he takes over.”
Giving a casual shrug of his shoulder, he says, “It is what it is.”
My lips purse, but he’s right. I chew on my bottom lip before deciding to spit out my next question. “What exactlyisyour relationship with Dante?”
The heaviness in his eyes lifts as a smirk curls his lips. “Does there have to be any definable relationship?”
I think about the convoluted relationship I have with Cain and Oliver and wonder how the fuck one goes about defining that. “No, I guess not. I think I’m just confused.”
He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “You being here isn’t stepping on anyone’s toes. What Dante and I have is separate from what you and he have, or what you and I have.”
“What do Dante and I have? Or you and I, for that matter?”
He smirks, lifting his hand away and standing to his full height. “If you have to ask that, then you haven’t been paying attention.” On that confusing note, he leaves me to mull over my conflicting thoughts. Once again, my prying has only raised more questions instead of providing answers.
It’s pitch black out when Dante finally makes an appearance. It’s been the same every night. Whatever it is he does for his father must keep him extremely busy. I internally sigh, missing the days when I was that busy. I have fuck all to do here, and it’s slowly driving me insane. It’s nearly midnight, and instead of being at work or out hunting down and killing abusive shitstains, here I am, plonked on the sofa, reading a book. A freaking book. I’m pretty sure I was in fifth grade when I last read a book. Not that it’s not relaxing. This true crime biography I’m reading about two brothers who murdered their entire family is definitely my kind of book. It’s just that I’m not used to sitting around all day with nothing to do. It makes me antsy and irritable.
His eyes immediately find me when he steps into the room, and I swear a little bit of tension runs out of him. As if he was worried I wouldn't be here when he got home. I dunno where the fuck he thought I’d go. Not that I’ve tried, but I’m pretty sure there's no escaping this glass and marble fortress.