Page 22 of Chaos & Carnage
“Probably about as deeply as I love you.”
Out of all my guys, Enzo and I have had the least time together to explore the physical chemistry between us, but we don’t need to jump each other’s bones to know that this is special. What we have transcends anything physical. It’s embedded in the very fabric of our souls. It’s in the way he looks at me, the possession in his eyes, the way they light up when I enter a room. In the soft, comforting touches when he knows I’m struggling. In the way he’s so attuned to me that he knows exactly what I need without me having to say.
It makes it seem crazy that I used to distrust him. I often catch myself wondering how I didn’t see the light in his soul all those years, but then I remember that the Enzo I used to meet once a month in that dingy bar isn’t the same Enzo standing in front of me at this moment. Back then, his walls were ten feet tall. He might have wanted me, but he didn’t know how to let me in, how to trust me. All our time together in Dante’s house has given us both the opportunity to get to know one another, to see what we both keep buried underneath the armor we show the world.
“Not possible.” His words are said on an exhale before he presses his lips to mine, keeping the kiss light and gentle as his hand slides up my neck to cup my jaw. I arch my back, lifting my arms to his face and fusing his lips to mine.
Heat unfurls in my core before a soft but firm grip on my hips tugs me backward. “Not yet,” Dante growls, his voice thick with want. “Sleep then sex.”
I push my lower lip out in a pout that makes Enzo throw his head back and laugh, anddamn,is it the best sound I’ve heard all day. “You heard the man,” Enzo says, siding with Dante. His eyes heat with wicked intent. “You’ll need your rest for what we have in mind for you.”
Dante growls a noise of agreement, and when I turn my head to look at him over my shoulder, I see the same desire brimming in his eyes before he uses his grip on my waist to walk me over to the bed. He pulls back the sheet and I slide into the middle of the bed, watching with hungry eyes as they both hurriedly strip out of their wrinkled, overworn suits that they've probably been wearing since I disappeared. Wearing only their boxers—and looking fucking edible—they climb in on either side of me, and all my fantasies come true as I’m encased in hard muscle and warm skin.
Chapter 8
My body is burning up. It feels as though I’m about to rip apart at the seams as I arch my back and throw my head back. “I love the way you look when you’re about to come all over my dick,” Enzo purrs, slamming into me with the most delicious ache.
A noise of agreement to my left has me turning my head, finding Cain standing at the side of the bed, tugging on his hard length, which is dripping precum like a leaky faucet. Just the sight of his bare abs as they tighten and flex has me licking my lips, and I release the bedsheets from my tight grip, reaching out for him.
He smirks, stepping closer until I can wrap my fingers around him, taking over as I begin to stroke. Oliver appears on my other side, the bed dipping as he presses a knee into the mattress before lowering his lips to my breast, teasing me with chaste kisses and quick brushes of his tongue.
I’m drifting on a sea of pleasure, but one person is missing, and I lift my head, searching for him. As though called by my thoughts, Dante appears behind Enzo. With his eyes burning into mine, he lowers his lips to Enzo’s neck, sucking and biting until Enzo is moaning as loudly as I am.
My eyes flick down to where Enzo is thrusting into me as Dante’s fingers move to cup his balls, causing Enzo to jerk as his movements falter. Circling the base of his cock, Dante coats his fingers in my juices before pushing them, alongside Enzo’s dick, into my pussy. I cry out as I reach dizzying heights of ecstasy.
“You like that, stripper,” Cain murmurs in my ear before pinching my nipple between his fingers.
Oliver shifts on the bed beside me until he mirrors Cain, and I can work them both over at once while Enzo leans in to capture my lips. His movements stall, and my gaze snaps over his shoulder, finding a slack-jawed Dante as he takes Enzo from behind until we’re all just one ball of primal need, chasing that elusive high.
“You’ve got all of us here, Trouble.” Oliver’s gravel tone zaps straight to my core.Thisis what I want.Thisright here is everything. “Now, what are you gonna do with us?” Mischief lifts the edge of his lips, dirty intentions shining in his eyes.
With his fingers digging into my cheeks, Cain turns my head, so I’m forced to give him my undivided attention. “You’re going to be a good girl and come for us, aren’t you?”
“All of us,” Dante grunts. I strain to look at him out of the corner of my eye. “You’re going to let all four of us fill up that sweet pussy of yours, aren’t you,mia vita.”
I can hardly string together enough syllables to answer them as my orgasm crests, forcing me to slam my eyes shut as my walls tighten around Enzo, causing him to release a string of curses and me to scream out a resounding, “Yes.”
“Shush,” Dante chastises. The grunt behind his words has my eyes snapping open, and I’m met with dark brown depths, pupils blown as they stare down at me from above. “He’ll hear you and I need you all to myself first.”
It takes a second for me to understand it was a dream, although as Dante slams his long, hard length into my pussy with enough force to make my head smack off the headboard, I realize it wasn’talla dream.
“Look at me,mia vita.”
My eyes snap up to his as a wave of pleasure rocks through my body, making my lips part on a moan.
“I’ll never get enough of this. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you look? How perfect you feel?”
I don’t know how he can say such sweet things when he’s fucking me so deeply. I can barely put together a coherent thought, but there’s one thing at the forefront of my mind that requires no thought and as I stare into his awed eyes, the words spill from my lips.
“I love you.”
Dante immediately stills inside me, his broad frame hovering over mine, his palms planted on the mattress beside my head. I instantly freeze beneath him, questioning whether I did the right thing, but I can’t bring myself to regret saying them. Loving Dante hits me with all the force of a wrecking ball. It snuck up on me when I wasn’t looking, and it took me a while to accept those feelings. Dante isn’t an easy man to love, but he makes it so damn worthwhile.
I don’t need him to say it back. I don’t need his words to know he loves me too. He says it every day in the things he does. In the fierce way he protects me. In the intense way he looks at me. In how effortlessly he puts me above all else. But I needed him to know it’s not one-sided. I fought him tooth and nail in the beginning. I told him I needed space and time, and he reluctantly gave it to me, but I’m done with space now. I don’t need any more time.
All I need is him. Them. All four of them.
“I…” His words trail off as he struggles to find the right response, and I reach up, cupping his face in my palm.