Page 9 of Marsala and Magnolias
“Don’t hey me.” Chelsea scowled at her. “Pour us a glass of something and tell me what happened last night.”
Mary Ellen laughed and led her through to the kitchen where she poured them each a glass of wine. “Don’t be mad at me, I just couldn’t process it all, and I didn’t want to ruin your evening with Grant. It wasn’t urgent or anything.”
Chelsea wandered back through to the living room. “What wasn’t? I was worried about you. Molly said you seemed upset by your phone call, and when I talked to Antonio, he wouldn’t tell me a thing. I asked if he tried making a move on you, and he didn’t deny it. Did he?”
“You talked to Antonio?” Mary Ellen’s heart raced. Had he told her about David?
“Of course, I did. You wouldn’t tell me what had happened, so I went to see him.”
“And what did he say?”
“Nothing. He wouldn’t tell me a thing, said it wasn’t his place. He said I should talk to you.”
Mary Ellen smiled. Wow. He really was a much more decent human being than she’d thought.
Chelsea gave her a hard stare. “What’s the smile for?”
Mary Ellen grinned. “He’s a good guy, really, isn’t he?”
Chelsea smiled back. “He is. I’ve always told you that. So, why do you believe it all of a sudden?”
Mary Ellen blew out a sigh, but still couldn’t quite wipe the smile off her face. “Okay. I’d better start at the beginning, and then you’ll understand why I was so upset and why I’m so pleasantly surprised by him. See, what I haven’t told you is that David is in town.”
“David? You mean your David?”
Mary Ellen nodded. “David Sterling, the man I was engaged to. He’s not mine, and I don’t believe he ever was, but yes, that David.”
“Wow! Why? What’s he doing here and what’s Antonio got to do with it?”
“My mom called while I was having dinner because she found out he was here, and she thought it was a chance for me to get back with him.” She shook her head sadly. “As if! I got upset, I admit it. I think it was mostly because I thought my mom understood how badly he hurt me, and I thought she might care about me, but all she was thinking was that I might have another chance with him since he’s divorced now.”
Chelsea shook her head. “Your mom thought that? After what he did to you?”
“Yeah. It upset me, but she means well. She just wants to see me all married and settled down, and apparently, she thinks David was my one and only chance.”
“Don’t. I’m sure she doesn’t think that at all. But explain the rest. Why is David here—has he come to see you? And what’s Antonio got to do with any of it?”
“Okay. This is what I haven’t told you yet. David is here because he’s interviewing for the sales director job.”
Chelsea frowned. “What? Why? Why would Cameron even consider him?”
Mary Ellen dropped her gaze.
“You haven’t told him, have you?” demanded Chelsea.
Mary Ellen shook her head.
She looked up. “Because it’s about finding the best person for the job. It’s not about my personal life; it’s about the company.”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Mary El. That’s crazy! Do you realize how much of the success of Hamilton-Groves depends on you? How much Cameron depends on you? I can tell you right now that David is not the right person for the job because him being there would upset you. And that would be bad for the company. You’ve got to tell Cameron.”
Mary Ellen shrugged. “Maybe. I’ve been hoping that it would resolve itself. I thought that when Cam interviewed him, he’d see through him. I thought, you know, it’d all iron itself out without me doing anything.”
“When’s the interview?”
“This afternoon.”