Page 4 of Bourbon and Bluebells
The first thing he needed to do was find out for sure if she was a local. It didn’t seem likely, given that she was staying at theresort, but he wanted to be sure. He’d hate it if she turned out to be his mom’s yoga instructor or something.
“Are you just here for the weekend?” he asked.
“I am.” She looked uncomfortable as she asked, “What about you?”
“Same.” If he wasn’t mistaken, she looked relieved when she heard his answer.
She sipped on her drink and gave him a small smile. It was already obvious that she wasn’t the kind of girl who went out looking to hook up.
He smiled back at her, realizing that he wasn’t doing a very good job of this. His smile faded when someone pushed up to the bar beside her and almost jostled her off the stool. He got down from his own seat and gestured for her to do the same so that they could switch. Since he was sitting at the end of the bar, she shouldn’t get jostled there, no matter how busy it got.
They both slid down from their seats at the same time and ended up standing face-to-face with only a few inches between their bodies. Bentley bit the inside of his cheek. Damn! He’d rather ask if she wanted to get out of here, but he should probably wait a while before he even tried that.
Her pupils dilated as she looked up into his eyes. “Thanks,” she breathed.
He couldn’t help it; he put his hands on her waist as they switched places in the narrow space between the two stools. She rested her hands on his forearms and smiled up at him.
“And I was thinking that I wasn’t going to be dancing tonight,” she joked.
His fingers involuntarily tightened on her waist. He wanted to pull her against him, and … He didn’t know what came over him, but he did.
Her lips parted in surprise, and she tightened her grip on his arms. It only heightened his hope that they might get to do a little horizontal dancing later.
He laughed and swayed her from side to side. “If you want to dance, whether it’s here, or out on the dance floor, or … anywhere you like…” He let his words trail off and held her gaze, hoping that she’d understand what he meant.
He knew that she did when he saw a slight flush spread over her cheeks.
“Any kind of dancing you want to do tonight, I’m your man.”
Her eyes were a light hazel color, and they seem to light from within as she looked up at him. When she nodded, a rush of desire coursed through his veins.
She surprised the hell out of him when, instead of climbing up onto the stool, she asked, “Do you want to get out of here, then?”
He would never have guessed that she’d be that eager. But he wasn’t complaining. He nodded rapidly and took hold of her hand. He didn’t miss the way Kenzie, the bartender, watched them go with a big grin on her face.
When they reached the doors, Lizzie seemed hesitant. He was, too. Oh, he was a hundred percent certain that he wanted her, but he wasn’t so sure that she knew what she wanted. He was in no hurry; he’d thought that they’d be at the bar for a while yet. He wanted to give her time to make up her mind and so, he smiled down at her and said, “I’m assuming that when you asked if I wanted to get out of there, you meant that you’d rather go for a walk. Am I right?”
She gave him a puzzled look. “That’s not what you assumed at all, is it?”
He laughed. “No. It isn’t. But just because I assumed something else, that doesn’t mean that I expect it of you.”
She blew out a sigh. “I kind of want to expect it of myself, but … That’s not who I am.”
Bentley shrugged and gave her a rueful smile as he held his hand out to her. “If we’re being honest here, it’s not who I am either.” He couldn’t help letting his gaze travel over her as he added, “but you make me wish …”
She chuckled, and he was relieved when she took hold of his hand. “How about we go for that walk, then?”
Bentley was happy to do that, and even though this wasn’t going anything like he’d wanted it to, he was still keen to get to know her – in whatever form that might take.
He started leading her toward the square, but she held back.
“Do you want to walk on the beach?” she asked.
He had to stifle a laugh. She didn’t want to go back to his room with him; she was hardly likely to want to get up to anything on the beach. But that didn’t stop the interest from stirring in his pants at the idea.
“Sure,” was all he said as he changed direction and headed for the steps that led down to the beach.
“Have you been here before?” Lizzie asked.