Page 65 of Twisted Sinner
“Good night.”
I head through to my room, closing the door behind me.
I get ready for bed, thinking about everything that’s happened today. I’m doing the right thing, I think. All I have to do is stay married to him for one month and then I’m a genuine millionaire.
I’ll have seven figures to play with. I can help Cathy start her business, maybe buy us a house somewhere to live in, or an apartment we own rather than renting. Wouldn’t that be something?
And all I’ve got to do is lie to my only real friend. Pretend I really do love him, that this is a real marriage that will last a lifetime.
It won’t. No matter how much I might daydream about a life with Vincenzo. It’s never going to happen. He’s from a different world to me with different goals and a totally alien lifestyle. Not to mention the fact that he’s got a whole basement dedicated to sexual things. What have I got? One vibrator and a guilt complex about lust. It’s not exactly comparable, is it?
I could tell myself I’ve agreed to it to help Cathy. Could lie and say I’m doing it to help Vincenzo out. The truth is I want this. If I can’t have a lifetime with him, a month is better than nothing. By the end of it, I wonder how I’ll feel. One thing’s for sure, I’m going to do my best to let go of my inhibitions and try and enjoy it.
After all, he’s not asking too much of me, is he? Just a short term marriage in exchange for one million dollars. I can handle that. Especially if the sex remains as good as it was today. That, I can definitely handle some more of. I settle down and close my eyes, thinking of what he did today.
When I sleep,I dream of him, his firm hand slapping down on my ass while I’m bent over his desk. It’s an office somewhere high up. A queue of people waiting to see him but they’ve got to wait. He’s disciplining me. His hand slaps down again and again.
My skirt’s around my waist, my panties around my ankles. I can smell the leather pad on top of his desk. I can hear his breathing, slow and steady, like this is nothing out of the ordinary.
The strangest part of my dream is thinking that people can see this. His entire workforce is watching what’s happening to me but I’m not embarrassed. I’m excited by the idea of it, on display like this, humiliated yet aroused beyond measure.
I’ve never had a dream like this, not once. I wake up in the dark with my heart pounding and my ass tingling like it really happened. I settle slowly, letting my eyes close, wondering what I’ll dream of this time.
By the time I wake in the morning, I have indulged in a dream so steamy it would be forbidden to be shown in theaters. I also have a throbbing between my legs and an urgent need for Vincenzo, a need like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my entire life.
The first thing I do in the morning is make a few calls. Last night, I checked her social media profiles, found out everything I could about her that’s already public. Made sure there was nothing that could come back to bite us when we’re married. There’s nothing scandalous out there. All very mundane. A snapshot of her life before she met me says she is a safe bet.
It almost seems a shame to take that peace filled existence from her. She’s clearly never known true pain and suffering. Do I want to risk that befalling her?
It’s too late for those kind of questions. This is happening. My father would suspect me forevermore if I backed out now and I will not let Michael take over. I will not let our family name die on the blackjack table.
From her social media information I’ve established where she most wants to work. So I make a call. Arrange an interview for her. Mention my name and what I want. All she has to do is turn up and the job will be hers.
What better way to reward her for agreeing to this? There will be more coming her way as long as she plays her part in this whole thing. For she will be doing me the biggest favor I could ever ask of her. She will be keeping my family name alive.
Once they contact her about the interview, she should be in a good mood. That’ll make it easier for me to break it to her that she must give me a child.
Once I hang up, I get dressed into my gym gear. An hour of weights until my muscles can take no more. Then into the shower and try not to think about spanking her hard enough to make her ass red. She invades my thoughts all the time.
While I was weight lifting, while I’m showering, even when I come to take breakfast with my father.
He sits opposite me, digging into his bacon and eggs like his cholesterol levels aren’t already dangerously high. “American food,” he says when he’s done. “Like their women, such flavor.” He smiles at me. “As you would know, eh?”
I drain the last of my coffee. “Why are you still here?” I ask.
“Because the Beluccis are trying to muscle into our imports in Milan. I need you to take a flight over there today, sort it out before it gets any worse.”
“You’re going to blame me, aren’t you?”
“Your fault you killed with witnesses, not mine. The Beluccis are out for revenge and we need to make sure they don’t take it out of our bottom line. Get the next flight. We can travel to the airport together.”
“You going somewhere?”