Page 69 of Twisted Sinner
He’s wrong.
She’s in on this with me. She’s agreed to marry me despite knowing the reason why.
Which was fine until she sent this damned message. I arrange her an interview and she turns it down? She thinks I’ll just let that slide?
I want her in my lap right here on this airplane. I want to spank some sense into her. Make her understand what it means to turn me down. Bare her ass and slap it bright red.
The thought gets my cock twitching. It’s hard to be angry with her when I want her more than I want to run this empire.
That’s why I’m so angry, I realize a moment later. Because I can’t imagine never seeing that gorgeous body of hers again.
I let her touch me. Has she any idea how big a deal that is? No, this doesn’t just end.
I lean back in my seat, shifting my hips, waiting for my cock to soften. She does not get to decide what happens next. She is my submissive. She will do as she’s told. When I get back, we will marry.
I’m going to spend as little time in Milan as possible. I want to get back, go see her, and fuck her until she says sorry for trying to turn me down. I’ll show her something she hasn’t realized yet but she soon will. When I said I was going to dominate her, I wasn’t kidding. Soon she’ll see just what that means.
When I land, I’m ready to crack some skulls. Just the kind of venting I need to get my frustration out. I’m hoping the shit going down here calls for violence. I’m in the right kind of mood for spilling blood. It’ll be the only thing to distract me from thoughts of her.
They invade my soul, burrowing into my brain. Visions of her tits, her dimples, the shape of her neck, the arching of her back when she comes. Even the way she breathes when I enter her. She has taken over my spirit and I will return the favor soon enough.
Turning me down? She thinks she can simply turn me down?
We’ll see about that.
Yesterday began with me regretting turning down the Morgan Library after a pile of red overdue notices arrived in the morning mail.
Today begins with a letter. Cathy brings it upstairs along with the grocery shopping. “Up early?” I say as she dumps the bags on the kitchen counter. “I can still taste the toothpaste.”
“Caught a courier on the way in,” she replies, placing a cream envelope next to the bags. “It’s addressed to you.”
“To me? What is it?”
“If only there was some way of finding out.” She starts unpacking the shopping as I pick up the letter. The address is printed so no clues there. I rip open the envelope. Inside is a handwritten note. “I will be back earlier than expected. Be in at seven this evening. V.”
“What is it?” Cathy asks, looking at the letter over my shoulder. “Couldn’t have sent that in an email? Or messaged you?”
“I’m guessing he wanted to make sure I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see it.”
“You still could. Shove it in the trash and we’ll go out tonight. That’ll show him.”
Since I turned down his offer, Cathy and I have talked at length about what happened. I haven’t told her everything. She knows we slept together. I haven’t told her about his elaborate basement system of rooms. That’s between me and him. I just explained how he took my virginity and that it was better than I expected.
She knows he’s in the mafia but not that he killed Tony Belucci. I don’t want to put her in danger by telling her too much about things like that.
That’s why she thinks I’m making a mistake. Despite him being a criminal, she still thinks I should give the whole marriage thing a shot. I wonder if she’d think the same if I told her he’s a coldblooded killer.
I look at her and she’s grinning. “You don’t get it, do you?” she asks.
“Get what? Yesterday, you were telling me to hook up with him, cancel my cancellation. Today, you’re telling me to go out when he’s coming here? What gives?”
“You really don’t get it.” She puts a hand on my shoulder. It’s either supportive or patronizing. Hard to tell. “He’s clearly got massive commitment issues. That’s why he’s given you the whole month deadline routine. He might be Mr. Rough Tough with the rest of the world but he’s clearly terrified of commitment.”
“What are you telling me?”