Page 90 of Twisted Sinner
She’s silent for a moment. “I see,” she says eventually.
“What do you think I should do?”
“Well, you can come home whenever you like but I don’t think you want to.”
“I want to know what I should do.”
“I think you already know what to do.”
“I really don’t.”
“We’ve already talked about this. He’s scared of commitment. You’ve just married him. You’re on your honeymoon together. He’s got all these big boy feelings inside him and he doesn’t know how to handle them. I’m guessing making love to you made him feel close to you and that scared him. Made him want to push you away. Trust me, I know this shit.”
“So what do I do? Just let him yell at me?”
“What did he actually say?”
“He just told me to stay here, said he was going for a walk.”
“Yeah, I’ve no doubt that’s it. He’s frightened because he’s falling for you.”
“He doesn’t come across as a man who’s frightened of anything.”
“I knew a kid in high school. Six foot six, two hundred pounds plus. Known as the bull on the football field. Wouldn’t go in his attic because he was scared there was a ghost up there.”
“Everyone’s scared of something, Fee, no matter how big or how stupid they are. He’s scared he’s getting too close to you and I bet my entire collection of tampons that it’s to do with something in his past. Probably his first love fucked him over or his mom left his dad and never spoke to him again, something like that.”
“But what do I do about it?” I wipe my eyes. They’re still stinging from crying.
“You either give him the time and space to sort himself out or you don’t. Some people can be fixed and some people can’t. The skill is in working out which is which.”
“What do you think about him?”
“You know him better than me. What do you think?”
“I know I like him, despite this. I know the sex was great. He looked like he was about to say something afterward but I don’t know what. Then he yelled and now I don’t know what to think.”
“I reckon he was about to tell you he loves you.”
“I bet it was that. When he comes back from his Heathcliff brooding cliff top stroll, ask him what it was he was going to say.”
“I tried that before he went. He just got more pissy.”
“Then it’s ultimatum time. He either tells you or you come home. Shit or get off the pot. Put up or shut up. Tickle your ass or … I’ve gone too far there, haven’t I?”
“Yeah, and you were doing so well.”
“Listen, don’t let him get to you. You want to come home, you do it. Lots more men out there. You don’t have to stick with one who messes you around.”
“I know. Thanks, Cathy.”
“Mwah. You know where I am.”
“Thanks again. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.”