Page 10 of Shattered Oath
I give him a thumb’s up and then head inside.
There’s a steady stream of regulars through the morning. No real asshole behavior which is nice. Doesn’t always work out that way.
I take my break outside on the picnic bench set up just for the employees. From here I can hear the wind in the trees in the woods. Is that what I heard when I was left there? Or were my parents shouting for me? Looking for me? Desperate to find me?
When I’ve finished my sandwich, I give Maisie a call. She answers straight away. “How’s it going?” I ask.
“Surprisingly quiet. I’ve been cleaning the toilets for the last half hour.”
“Lucky you.”
“Yeah, the glamor of my life is nonstop. How’s life in amongst the bird seed and fertilizer?”
“Had three Russian terrorists come in with a nuclear device. Had to disarm them and then throw them out.”
“Sounds stressful.”
“Managed to get them to sign up for the loyalty card though so it wasn’t all bad.”
“Good to hear. You got any plans for after work?”
“Besides the hot date you’ve set me up for?”
“Yeah, apart from that.”
“I’m going to call in at the sheriff’s station.”
“How come? Those pesky Russians leave one of their nukes behind?”
“I had someone try to steal my purse last night. Thought it might be worth telling the sheriff about it.”
“Where from? Here?”
“Yeah. Just before I headed off.”
“How come you didn’t tell me last night?”
“Because what would you have done? The guy had already left.”
“Commiserated, maybe. Kicked his ass for you if he came back. What happened anyway?”
“Did you notice that guy I tripped into on my way to the jukebox?”
“No, why?”
“Really? Massive guy with a face like someone’s just told him they outlawed bench pressing?”
“Of course, I saw him. How could I miss him? He was about the size of a bus with a face I wouldn’t mind sitting on if you don’t claim him first.”
“Well, it was him. He was walking past my table and he went to grab my purse out of my handbag just when I dropped my napkin. Caught him redhanded. Didn’t even have the good grace to look ashamed.”
“Seriously? What did you do?”
“I told him I’d spotted him and you know what he said?”
“Dropped my purse. Told me something about how if he was going to steal from me, I would never see it coming. Then he just walked out the door.”