Page 18 of Shattered Oath
“Still looks good.”
“So you going to tell me why Andrew ran out of here like he had a poker up his ass.”
“Maybe he did. You should try it sometime. Makes the evenings fly by having things in your ass.”
“You sound like you speak from experience.”
“You never tried having a poker up there?”
“Can’t say that I have?”
“Not even a little one?”
“I can’t believe I’m having to say this but I have never put anything up my butt.”
I think of her on all fours with one of my jeweled plugs in her ass, her cheeks bright red from a spanking, me sliding relentlessly in and out of her pussy. I think of that and my cock responds.
I stare at her, saying nothing, aware of the painful bulge in my pants.
She glances down, sees it, and her face becomes flushed. She swallows hard like she’s forgotten what she was doing. I get the feeling she’s thinking the same thing as me.
“I did you a favor,” I tell her, getting back on track. “He wasn’t right for you.”
“And you’d know, would you?”
“I’m a better judge of character than you are.”
“Really?” She raises her eyebrows.
“I know an asshole when I see one.”
“Sure about that, are you? I heard from the sheriff that you’re not exactly a fucking Cub Scout yourself.”
“Don’t cuss in front of me again.”
She looks at me like she’s about to protest but then she shuts up.
“Good.” I’m starting to have the right effect on her. “What exactly did he say to you?”
“That you’d left the gas on.”
It’s my turn to frown as the corner of her lips quirk. “Don’t like it fired back at you, do you?” she asks. “Not nice to be the one left in the dark, is it?”
I lean toward her, looking straight into her eyes. “You’re heading the right way to be taken over my knee if you keep sassing me like that.”
“What for, a bouncy ride?” She grins. “That’d be so much fun. Come on, let’s do it right now.”
Not going to lie, this isn’t the reaction I’m expecting. Makes me want to spank her all the more, wipe that smile off her face, and turn it into a shocked moan of orgasmic need.
“Try this one,” she continues, distracting me from my steam-filled thoughts. “Why do you keep following me around?”
“I’m not following you.”
“You were in here last time I was eating. You were in the sheriff’s station earlier. Now here you are again. Anyone would think you were stalking me.”
“One, you crashed into me last time we were in here. Two, you came into the sheriff’s when I was already there. Three, I’m leaving so you’ve got this place to yourself. You won’t be seeing me again.”
“Pity,” she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “And here I am all dressed up for a date. Sure you don’t want to sit with me and make small talk? Hi, my name’s Chloe and I work at a garden center. How about you?”