Page 24 of Lone Star Reunion
“I want you, Lex. I know I shouldn’t but, God, I do,” Daniel muttered, pulling away from her to look up, his eyes blazing with lust.
He rested his forehead between her breasts, still holding her, and she felt his ragged breath against her skin. She knew that he expected her to ask him to let her go, to step away, but she couldn’t. She didn’t know how to be a mommy, to have Daniel in her life, how to navigate her suddenly complicated future, but she knew how to make love to this sexy, infuriating man.
She loved being naked with him.
“Take me inside, Dan. Love me until I can’t think anymore,” Alex whispered, brushing her fingers across his lips, his jaw.
Daniel flashed her a grin that was sexy enough to melt glass, and then he carried her inside. Allowing her to slide down his body so that their mouths could meet, he kissed her as he navigated his way to the bedroom at the back of the tree house. With long hot slides of his tongue, and hands possessively skimming her skin, he silently demanded that she match his passion. Alex held on to him as he lowered her to the bed and sighed when he settled into the V shape between her legs. Right place, far too many clothes.
Her shirt was gone, so Alex pulled his over his head and tossed it to the floor. She sighed when his naked chest touched hers and lifted her head so that she could tongue his flat, masculine nipple. A good start but not enough.
“Please, Dan, I don’t want to wait. It’s been too long.”
Daniel heard her pleas and pulled back to yank her boots off her feet and tug her jeans down over her hips. His eyes moved down, stopping on her breasts before moving over her still-flat stomach to her relatively modest bikini panties.
His eyes widened and he released a low chuckle. God, he had a great smile. It crinkled his eyes, revealed his straight white teeth and hinted at the tiniest dimple in his right cheek. But as much as she liked seeing his smile, she couldn’t understand why he was laughing.
Alex pushed herself up to rest her weight on her bent elbows.
Daniel arched an eyebrow. “I’m game if you are.”
Ah...what was he talking about? They’d had great sex but nothing weird or kinky, so where was he going with this?
Daniel gestured to her panties and Alex tried to read the slogan upside down. Okay, but Afterward We Get Pizza?
She groaned. She was not wearing her sexiest lingerie. “They were a gag gift from Rachel,” she explained, blushing. “I haven’t had a chance to do laundry.”
“Silk or cotton, I can pretty much guarantee that anything you wear will always end up on the floor.”
Daniel slowly peeled the panties down her legs, his smile still tugging at the edges of his gorgeous mouth. He dropped the panties to the floor and stood up to undress. Lifting his feet, he pulled his boots off, then pushed his jeans over his hips, taking his underwear with him. Embarrassment forgotten, Alex stared at him and Daniel stood there, allowing her to look her fill. Broad shoulders, muscled arms, that wide chest. He had sexy abs, but she also adored those long hip muscles, his lean, powerful thighs, the arch of his surprisingly elegant feet.
Daniel was a curious combination of masculine grace and rugged good looks, but beneath it all, he was a man of honor. By marrying her, he wanted to do what was right, what he thought was best for their baby. She respected that, respected him. But she couldn’t marry him or move in with him; she shouldn’t even be making love to him.
But this...thing...between them ran too deep and she couldn’t resist him. She would always, as long as she breathed, want him but she wouldn’t let herself love him. She couldn’t afford to do that, to let him hurt her again.
Daniel placed his hands on the bed on either side of her face and placed his mouth on hers, sipping, tasting, exploring. They’d had slow sex, hot sex and crazy sex up against a door, but his kisses seemed different tonight, intense with a hint of gentleness. Alex slipped her tongue into his mouth and tried to dial up the passion. Hot and fast she could deal with, but she didn’t know how to handle slow and sexy and profound.
She lifted her hips to make contact with his shaft, wanting to get out of her head and fully into the physicality of the act. Daniel didn’t take the hint so she ran her thumb up his dick and when she stroked his tip, he jerked and then groaned.