Page 15 of Heart of Stone
Stone tossed his head on the pillow, the touch of Luke’s fingers and his words almost undoing him then and there. His skin was on fire, and he felt ready to combust from pure need. He couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone this badly before, and he looked at Luke, not hiding how desperate he was. “Damn it, Luke! Now!”
Finally, Luke poured out another dollop of oil and put the bottle aside, grinning wickedly down at Stone as he made a show of preparing himself. But all teasing ended as he settled Stone’s legs over his shoulders and positioned himself, slowly easing his thick cock into Stone’s pliant body.
“So good.” Luke groaned, his fair skin growing flushed. “So perfect!”
“Perfect.” Stone echoed the word, holding his breath as he adjusted to Luke’s hard length within him. The way Luke filled him felt so damned good, and he wriggled impatiently, trying to pull Luke even deeper. “Move,” he demanded.
Luke didn’t hesitate to obey, setting a steady rhythm as he claimed Stone with deep, powerful thrusts, and Stone could feel a jolt of pure pleasure every time Luke’s cock rubbed against something inside him, making him whimper and moan. Luke curled his fingers around Stone’s cock again, stroking him in sync with the rhythm of their bodies.
“Let go, boss,” Luke murmured, gazing down at Stone with warm affection in his eyes. “I’ve got you.”
Stone held Luke’s eyes, wanting to give Luke exactly what he asked for. He felt his body tightening as need coiled within him like a clock spring being wound, and then suddenly he cried out Luke’s name as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over and through him.
Luke’s face was alight as he watched Stone avidly, and it seemed as if the waves of Stone’s pleasure washed over him as well. He began pounding into Stone hard and fast, and Stone moved with him, wanting to spur him on, and in mere moments, Luke surged deep and shuddered as he came.
Panting, he eased out and collapsed beside Stone, reaching out to wrap both arms around him and pull him close, nuzzling him affectionately. “That was worth the wait.”
Stone felt a delicious lassitude stealing over him in the aftermath, and he sighed, enjoying the closeness and connection to Luke. It was an odd feeling in some ways, different from anything he’d felt before. “Glad you think so.”
“Definitely.” Luke caressed Stone’s back from shoulder to hip in languorous strokes, seeming to enjoy the closeness as well. “It’s good between us, just like I knew it would be.”
Stone gave him a questioning look. “How could you know that?” he asked drowsily. “I tried not to let you see what I am.”
Luke chuckled and gave him a warm squeeze. “I know you tried to hide from me, but you’re too much like Priss for me not to see the truth. We’re like salt and pepper. Different, but tasty together.”
“Hmph.” Stone gave a snort, not certain he liked the fact that Luke could read him so easily. “You must be the pepper. I’m too boring for that.”
“You’re a lot of things, boss,” Luke said softly, his voice warm and full of affection as he stroked Stone’s hair and back gently, soothing him into sleep. “But boring sure as hell ain’t one of them.”
Stone smiled, feeling warm and more content than he had in longer than he could remember. There was something else, too, but he was too tired to put his finger on it. Instead he snuggled closer to Luke’s warmth, and then sleep claimed him at last.
When Luke awoke the next morning, it took him a moment to remember why he felt so uncommonly good, but then memories of the night before returned, and he couldn’t help but smile. Not about the part where he almost froze to death in that sudden blizzard, of course, but about what happened after with Stone. It seemed all that mortal peril had made Stone finally realize he wanted to do something about the powerful attraction other than deny it, which had led to a mighty good night for Luke indeed.
He frowned a little when he opened his eyes to see the sun was up and the bed was empty, and he wondered why Stone hadn’t woken him. Snow or no snow, there were still chores to do, and Luke hauled himself out of bed, got a quick wash, and dressed in his warmest clothes.
Mary was in the kitchen, and she smiled at him when he walked in. “Mr. Harrison said I was to let you sleep as long as you wanted,” she said, as if anticipating his first question, and she gazed at him with obvious concern. “He said you got caught in that blizzard last night.”
“That I did, but Mr. Harrison came and fetched me out of it before any real harm was done. You didn’t walk here today, did you?”
“No, my pa brought me in the sleigh. He’s comin’ for me before sunset.”
“Good.” Luke nodded approvingly. If Mary’s father hadn’t been planning to pick her up, Luke would have offered to carry her back to town himself.
“Mr. Harrison also said you wasn’t to do no chores today.” Mary’s expression turned stern, and she wagged her finger at him. “You’re to take the day off.”
Luke was aghast at the mere idea. He hadn’t taken a full day off that wasn’t a Sunday in longer than he could remember, but if he didn’t, Mary would tell Stone, and there was no telling what Stone might do if he disobeyed. Then again, he thought mischievously, it might be fun to find out.
But truth to tell, he was a bit tired and achy still, and so after eating a late breakfast, he occupied himself with a little bookwork, and when that ran out, he tried reading until it put him to sleep for a couple of hours. By the time Mary went home that afternoon, Luke was getting antsy enough that he found himself puttering around the kitchen, putting leftovers together for a nice dinner for Stone, even setting the table himself. He tried not to keep looking at the door to see if Stone was coming yet, but he couldn’t quite help it; he was eager to see Stone again, eager to take him back to bed for more kissing and touching than they got to do last night. Tonight, they could take it nice and slow because they wouldn’t be so desperate, and he could set about exploring and memorizing every inch of Stone’s gorgeous body like he so wanted to do.
It wouldn’t be easy to hide how he felt, not when he wanted to tell the whole world that Stone Harrison was his man, but he’d manage it somehow when they were out where prying eyes might see. But here in the big house with Mary gone for the day, they were safe, and Luke intended to spend that evening and every other from now on showing Stone how good it could be and how much he was loved until maybe he started loving Luke right back.
It was full dark before the kitchen door opened and Stone stepped inside. He stopped by the door, his back to Luke as he took off his wet, muddy boots, and then he removed his coat and hat and put them on the pegs. Only then did he turn around, but he didn’t meet Luke’s eyes.
“We lost ten head in the pasture. Spent all day butchering ‘em. I’m goin’ to go clean up.”
The loss of so many cattle was disappointing, but not surprising; the ranch had suffered worse losses over the years, and so Luke merely nodded acceptance of the news.