Page 26 of The Lost Siren
I snorted. “Of course, it is—"
“Then don’t question it.”
I growled in frustration and turned to watch the task. Threatened by Benedict, D’Arcy had been forced to severely scale down his plans and had opted for a large obstacle course instead. The safety of the task meant nearly all Drakens were involved, forcing D’Arcy to have to break the crowd into different groups. Each group would race at the same time, and the top two winners from each group would then face off in a winner-take-all race at the end. Knowing there was a distinctlackof danger, I was interested to watch. Hoops dangled from the ceiling, posts were set up around the pit, and narrow lines drawn in bright red to mark the path.
“This should be entertaining,” I muttered. Benedict grunted.
“On my mark….one, two, GO!”
The first group of Drakens exploded into action, a few tripping and pushing others out of the way in order to get to the obstacles first. A large wall was the first task, and the first two Drakens easily scaled it, dropping to the sand below and continuing onto the next obstacle. As more Drakens clustered to climb, they pushed and shoved at each other, more focused on blocking someone else than just working on their own progress. The two Drakens up front gained a substantial lead.
“Bair and Sabien are my remaining blood relatives, aside from D’Arcy.”
Benedict’s voice washed over me, obvious pride as he pointed out the two Drakens in the lead. One obviously shared Benedict’s amethyst and obsidian coloring, the other D’Arcy’s bright turquoise scales and blonde hair. They easily hurtled obstacle after obstacle, and then took to the air. The other Drakens were far behind, still more worried about taking each other out. They easily crossed the finish line first, the purple one inching out the turquoise Draken by a hair. D’Arcy beamed in pride. Benedict stood and clapped for his brother. The Draken turned and gave me a saucy wink, then flew back to the spectator area with his cousin.
“Lovely,” I drawled. Benedict sniffed, and I turned by attention to the next group. Seven groups later, there had been nothing too exciting except a few crashes and collisions, with no permanent damage. There was an excited buzz filling the arena as the last sixteen Drakens lined up to compete in the final heat to win it all.
“Remember,twoDrakens tonight.”
I made a face at him. D’Arcy took to the air, hovering over the finish line.
Benedict’s brother immediately tripped D’Arcy’s son, causing the turquoise colored Draken to fall face first in the mud. I scowled at the obvious foul play, but Benedict only chuckled. To his credit, the turquoise Draken just got up and focused on getting through the obstacles as fast as he could, ignoring the other Drakens. I couldn’t help but admire the grace and strength of D’Arcy’s son as he quickly caught up to the other Drakens, then began to pass them. A Draken with brown scales reached out to trip him, and he nimbly skipped away. My hands clutched the armrest of my chair as I silently cheered for him.
Benedict’s brother was in the air now, completing the last aerial part of the race. D’Arcy’s son gained on him, but I didn’t see how he could make it up the distance with Benedict’s brother just a few wing flaps from the finish line. D’Arcy’s son drew a claw across his throat and wrists, and suddenly his skin was covered in swirling lines that pulsated light. With a roar he beat his wings harder, and then suddenly was flyingtwice as fast, his body a turquoise blur as he narrowed the distance between him and Benedict’s brother. Ten feet, then five feet from the finish line, then they both had crossed the line together, flaring their wings to keep from smashing into the stone wall. Behind them the other Drakens finished, though a few were in the pit, licking their wounds.
“Who won?” I asked as Benedict stood, drawing the attention of the crowd and competitors.
“It is too close to tell. Both will dine tonight with the female!”
The Drakens cheered as D’Arcy’s son thumped Benedict’s brother on the back, but he didn’t look thrilled with having to share his time with another Draken. I sighed heavily.
“You will let me meet them first at dinner, won’t you? I also insist on going to the dining hall, instead of in my rooms. I’m tired of looking at those same walls all the time.”
Benedict shot me a look. I sat back down, frowning as I realized who Ihadn’tyet seen.
“Where’s Kieran and Ronan? Why aren’t they here?”
Benedict refused to meet my gaze, and anger throbbed through my body.
“What did youdo?” I demanded. Benedict grabbed my arm, yanking me close to him.
I tried in vain to get his scent out of my mind, to quit staring at his muscles as he held me close. I shook my head.
“They almostkilledyou, Wren. I had to ensure such a mistake wouldn’t happen again.” There was burning fire in his eyes, the kind that dried my mouth and left me gaping at him.
“I...I thought you hated me,” I managed, struggling to keep my voice steady. His mouth opened, then closed again.
“Correction. Ihatehow helpless and weak youact, when we both know deep down, you’rejust like me.You willingly drank my blood, then gotturned onby it, so call meintrigued.Why else would you stab me?”
My eyes narrowed.
“I’ll do itagainif you piss me off.”
One of his dark eyebrows lifted. “Promise?”