Page 32 of The Lost Siren
D’Arcy’s head tilted to the side; his lips parted in surprise. “Taken to him, have you?”
I shrugged my shoulders, noncommittal.
“He intrigues me. He has many...ideas.”
D’Arcy’s eyes sparked in interest, and he held out his arm to me. I didn’t really want to take it but decided to play nice.
“Bair has always been more level-headed than Benedict; everyone knows that. What were some of these...ideashe had?”
His sudden interest and polite demeanor had me on guard.
“Sabien should be able to tell you; they’re friends, aren’t they?”
D’Arcy walked at a brisk pace, unconcerned with whether I could keep up or not. Just another small thing that made him different frommymen. Benedict could be an ass but was at least apoliteass. Usually. Sometimes.
“Sabien is not nearly as pragmatic as Bair. That boy gets thewrongideas. I am surprised Bair puts up with him.”
D’Arcy didn’t seem on good terms with his own son; I made a mental note of that.
“He performed admirably at the last trial. I enjoyed meeting him very much.”
Flattery never hurt anyone, right? D’Arcy’s chest did stick out for a moment, followed by a scowl.
“He still lost.”
I had nothing to say to that, so we fell into an uneasy silence. D’Arcy leaned into me, much too close for my comfort.
“Most of the Drakens are preparing for the next task, which is whereyoushould be. What would Benedict think if you were absent?”
I rolled my eyes. “If you think I care whathethinks, then you haven’t been paying attention.”
D’Arcy’s smile was an indulgent, condescending gesture that made me want to pull away from him. I resisted the urge.
“Yes, I had noticed you two don’t seem to be getting along. That’s a shame.”
His tone made it sound anything but.
“It would also be a shame if Benedict were to find his little human late to the Games because she wasdallyingwith his uncle.”
I grit my teeth, his grip iron around my upper arm.
“We are notdallying.”
His nose was in my hair, nuzzling into my neck even as my fingers gripped the sword at my waist. Then he was gone, too quick for me to take action.
“No one will believe you.”
I took a steadying breath and met his eyes without flinching.
“What will it take to omit that part of my tardiness?”
His fangs flashed, and I had the sinking sensation that I had just made a terrible, terrible mistake.
“I find myself bored in this mountain, as you can understand. The Games have been a pleasurable enough diversion, but they’re hardly lively enough for my tastes, especially when Benedict insists on making themsafe. What if you assist me inspicingthem up?”
I didn’t have much of a choice, did I? I raised my chin, aiming for a bored tone.
“And what do you suggest? Let me guess: pickyouas the winner?” His eyebrows lifted in mock surprise, and as he smirked, Iknewhe was thinking back to my first night here, and the liberties he’d taken with me. I hid a snarl.