Page 37 of The Lost Siren
“Who’s helping with the escort?” My eyes scanned the bleachers, not surprised to find Kieran and Ronan immediately standing. After a beat of silence Sabien and Bair reluctantly stood, along with another Draken with maroon and indigo coloring. I nodded my head, and the cub in my arms made a happy sound.
“Congratulations, I declare you five the winners of the day. After the escort, join me in my chambers. I’m always happy to receive Drakens who understand the concept of brain overblood.”
My voice sounded oddly high, full of false cheer, but the audience slowly began to clap, until they started cheering and hollering in triumph at the Drakens chosen. I rolled my eyes; anything for men and their sport. I turned towards D’Arcy, a small smirk on my face as I reveled in my victory. He disappeared in a wisp of black.
The Lykos were guided to the elevator and released. I didn’t know how they planned to scale the sheer cliff and didn’t ask. They were simply happy to be rid of us, and the feeling was quite mutual. Before departing, the black Lykos met my eyes.
Do you not wish to know our names?
I shook my head.
“It doesn’t matter who you are; no one deserves to be murdered for sport. It’s barbaric.”
He dipped his head all the way to the ground.
The Lykos will not forget your mercy.
I nodded stiffly back. I was too tired to be anything but honest.
“If you were serious about your offer of an alliance, then so am I. I will work on the king.”
He bowed his massive, furry head, and I headed back to my chambers with the rest of the men.
“Well, that was fun!”
Bair was in a jovial mood, helping himself to my food as we all fell into various chairs around the room. I glanced at the unfamiliar Draken, who was ogling me from across the room. They were all in their human forms, the better to traverse the passageways and lounge together comfortably. As a human, the new Draken’s hair was a light ashy brown. He was shorter in stature, but taller than me. His eyes were a dark brown, like mine.
“I don’t think we’ve met.”
He whirled around. “Trego, miss.”
I smiled at him. “Nice to meet you, Trego. Thank you for your support.”
I offered my hand and he clasped it a little roughly. He pulled on my arm suddenly and I lost my balance, tumbling into his chest. His hands gripped the base of my neck and jerked my face upwards as he tried to kiss me. My dagger was buried in his side a moment later, and he staggered backward, releasing me as he held his stomach with both arms. Ronan wiggled a mocking finger at him.
“No one touches her without herpermission, you jackwagon.”
Trego flushed in embarrassment, pulling my knife free with a grunt. He bowed his head and offered it back to me. I wiped his blood off on his leg and slammed it back into my sheath, snarling at him. Kieran rolled his eyes and picked up a large leg of meat, biting down.
“Benedict is not pleased with D’Arcy.”
I snorted, moving to sit beside him and ignoring Trego.
“I imagine that’s an understatement,” I added, eyeing the food. Perhaps in a little while when my nerves had settled. I changed tactics, placing one hand lightly on Kieran’s leg.
“Elder Gelf told me that D’Arcy’s changed since you’ve all been under this mountain.”
Sabien sighed but nodded.
“My father has been overcompensating ever since his brother, King Fane was killed.”
My brow furrowed as I thought. “That would be Benedict's father as well, then?”
Kieran put down his food, wiping his hands.
“Have you heard the story?”