Page 40 of The Lost Siren
I didn’t expect the smack to my face. The stinging pain caught me off guard as I turned my head with the force of the blow, my hair hanging down over my face. I started giggling uncontrollably. Some men’s egos were so fragile, it was laughable. He grabbed my jaw with his clawed hand, squeezing hard. The edges of his claws dug into the soft skin near my jawline.
“I could rip your head from your body before you could even scream.”
“You whisper those same sweet nothings to all the females you tie down and threaten? Oh right, thereare no othersso maybe you should be morepolite.”
His body collided against mine, and I was unable to do anything as he thrust against me, twitching in disgust as he wetly kissed my neck.
“I could make you feel things Benedict never could, if you let me.”
If only he knew. I pulled against the rope, but it was too tight.
“Kindly go fuck all of the way off, take a break, then continue to fuck off even further.”
He grabbed the front of my tunic, ripping the neckline.
“It’s ridiculous the amount of clothing Draken males destroy,” I remarked coolly.
His rage was simmering, bubbling just beneath the surface.
“Let’s take this outside, shall we?” He asked, while I wriggled in discomfort.
“Cut the rope, and I’ll go willingly with you.”
Something shifted in his eyes, and to my surprise he ripped through the rope on my feet with his claws. I didn’t have time to respond as we disappeared, his grip on my upper arm tight. My arms stayed tied behind my back as I stumbled against him.
“Human eyes are bad, aren’t they?” He said viciously, and I longed for my daggers. I took a deep breath. I needed to stay calm and deescalate the situation. I couldn’t win this way, unarmed and far away from the others.
“Sorry, I’m a bit edgy.”
He exhaled through his nose but was much gentler as he guided me towards the source of light up ahead. We were in a dark passageway, but the scent of the air made me think we were close to the outside. The light up ahead confirmed it.
“I’m not sure who knows about this cave. It overlooks the entire cliff; it's a great view at sunrise.” It was clear he was trying to impress me with the number of times he’d snuck out. I wondered how I could get him to release my hands. The mouth of the cave must have faced east, because the most magnificent view greeted us as we approached the edge, the sun bathing us in its warmth. I could see for miles down the expanse of forest in front of us, seemingly untouched by the war and those involved in it.
Bair grumbled beside me.
“And just think; all this world out here, and we’re stuckin there.” He gave a petulant glance back to the mountain, and I frowned.
“Surely there’s a reason. Does it have to do with the protection Rhyfel cast?”
He jerked next to me, surprised.
“Now I knowBenedictwasn’t the one who told you that.” I shot him a look, and he shook his head.
“He’s good at that you know; telling you just enough to make you feel special, while withholding the most important parts of the truth. I’d know,” he said bitterly. I opened my mouth, but he talked over me. “He sneaks out of the mountain secretlyall the time. Obviously, he had to do it to get you, but he goes at least once a month. I know because I’ve watched him.”
He sat down on the edge of the cave, and I warily joined him.
“I tried to follow him off the mountain, but the enchantment wouldn’t let me. It makes sense, I guess. How else would he find the lost daughter if he can’tleave? But that’s fine; I found out what was going on regardless. Sometimes he doesn’t leave; he just flies to another part of the mountain. I can follow himthereeasily, and I saw who he meets with.”
Bair was warming up to his grand tale, and I played along.
“Who does he meet with?”
He eyed me speculatively, licking his fangs as he took in my hands still tied behind my back, and my empty sheaths. He was acoward.
“How badly do you want to know?”