Page 37 of The Lost Nation
“Your queen has decreed that my words have merit, or I wouldn’t be here. Unless of course, your issue is withher?”
Oh, well done. The noble scoffed and went pale, his eyes nervously flicking to me as I made the water from my goblet rise and twist in little formations, right on cue.
I didn’t want them to be afraid of me, but it appeared it was the only way to get anything done.
“I like Erik’s plan.” I set down the goblet and stood, striding forward as they parted to allow me into their circle. “Our men need something to do now that open war is not likely, and the townspeople need the assistance. See to it that it’s done.”
My eyes were cold and firm in dismissal. The nobles grumbled and muttered, but left my receiving hall. Finally, only Erik was left.
“Nowthatperformance I actually half-believed.”He remarked.
I rolled my eyes, and shot tiny beads of water at his face. He swatted them away, and turned to go.
“Where are you going?” I demanded, realizing I didn’t want him to leave.
He raised an eyebrow. “My family home is in dire straits. The relief you authorized will help, but I’m on my way to help my parents continue their efforts. I have younger siblings still living with them.”
My chest twinged at the thought offamily. I felt off-balance by his admission—I hadn’t even thought to ask if he had any friends or family left behind in the village. Did he have a lover? Perhaps I didn’t know him at all.
“May I come?” I asked without thinking. The question surprised me just as much as him, but I glanced up to hear his answer. He blinked at me, shocked. I rushed to reassure him.
“It will be good to see what the people are truly facing, and to properly assess who needs the most help."
There, that almost sounded believable. It had nothing to do with him personally, or wanting to know more about him.
That damned eyebrow went higher. “You might want to change, first.”
The way his eyes raked me from head to toe sent a flood of heat throughout my body. I nodded absently, but he was already making his way to leave.
“Wait one moment! Where are you going?”I demanded.
His shoulders tensed, and I grew suspicious. "Nowhere...just going to wait for you to change.”
Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. “Without telling me where to meet you? How...unlike you.”
His face became shuttered of any emotion. I knew I was onto something, and slipped into my old manipulative habits like putting on a worn, favored dress. Men were so easy once you knew how to play them, and I was close enough to smell him again...the scent of leather and vanilla twined together to beckon me to step closer.
“You weren’t thinking of leavingwithoutme, were you?” My hand landed lightly on his chest, and at the last moment I glanced up at him through my eyelashes.
He pulled away, his lips tilted in a microexpression of contempt before he smoothed it away. “I don’t think this is a good idea. Forget I said anything. I will, of course, stay here and keep you company if you wish.”
His tone was formal and apologetic—nothing like the open man he’d been so far with me.
I blinked in confusion. “I did something wrong, didn’t I?” I asked, my shoulders slumping as I dropped my predatory mask. My next glance at him was vulnerable.
Erik let out a long sigh, and ran his hands through his hair. “I just want to know who I’d be introducing to my parents: the witch queen, or theruler who wants to help her people."
I flinched. “Are those my only options?"
Erik saw the conflict on my face, and his expression softened. “I’ve seen glimpses of someone else, if that helps. A queen who cares about her people, even if she isn’t quite sure how to talk to them or manage them yet. That will come with time. I suppose it all depends on who youwishto be.”
I snorted. “You speak as though I have a choice.”
Erik’s eyes landed on the sapphire in my crown. “Don’t you?” He took my hand, turning it over. His fingers trailed the soft flesh of my palm, as if trying to divine the secrets in the lines of my hand.
I felt myself losing my nerve the longer he touched me, so I pulled away. “Come. You’ll follow me and stay near me while I change.”
I strode from the room with purpose, praying he’d follow.