Page 42 of The Lost Princess
Ah. Cactus. His hand held steady pointing, the expectation clear in his body language.
“You want me to get some?” I clarified.
He nodded, his hand falling to rest again at his side. His eyes closed. Nasi really didn’t look good.
“Ok. Sure.” I scuttled out from under the protection of the rock and over to the strange, green plant with needles sticking out of it. We didn’t have plants like this at home. Or perhaps we did? It wasn’t like I’d ever been outside the palace walls. All I knew about plants were the meticulous gardens laboriously maintained by a team of workers. For all I knew, those plants might not even be native to the area.
I inspected the plant closely, not wanting to prick myself and lose any more blood. If I used a careful claw, I could probably saw off a sizable portion. I wasn’t sure how much Nasi wanted.
I pushed a claw into the plant, and started cutting. Glorious water dribbled down my fingers. I paused to lick my hand, surprised at the cool and refreshing taste, then quickly finished cutting off a large section. Without shame I sucked on the edges left on the main plant, getting a good mouthful.
“Here.” I scurried back under the rock and offered the cactus to Nasi, who quickly skinned the cactus of its sharp exterior, throwing the scraps away.
“Did you get some?” he asked sharply even as his hands shook.
I nodded decisively. Always thinking of me, even to his own detriment. Emotion seized my chest at the thought. In reality, Nasi asked very little of me. And the one thing he had asked? I’d disregarded it like the spoiled, pampered princess I was.
I watched as he held the cactus over his head and squeezed the fruit in his fist. Water dribbled down his hands and into his mouth. After a few mouthfuls, he offered it out to me.
I drank what was left, and when the plant was empty, I sat up and wiped my mouth. Nasi chewed on the remainder, then chucked it away with the needles and outer skin.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, the sound of wind keeping us company. Somewhere in the distance, a hawk’s cry pierced the air. I fidgeted, unable to stay silent.
“I am sorry,” I whispered again, my eyes trained on the ground. I doubted he’d heard any of my apology earlier, and it was important that he did, that he knew I understood what he meant now. And how I’d never do it again.
Nasi sighed, rubbing his face tiredly with his hands. “I know,” he rumbled, holding one arm out to me in a peace offering. Hope swelled in my breast, and I nuzzled into his chest, gloriously happy he’d forgiven me.
I’d miss him when I left.
The thought was slightly unnerving. More so than it had been before. Yet staying with him was even more ridiculous, wasn’t it? I had to see my father. I had duties to attend to. I couldn’t just abandon them.
Your father abandoned you first, my brain argued.
I needed a distraction.
“Nasi,” I asked, turning to face him. “Do you think you could take more blood? I feel a bit better.” It wasn’t one hundred percent true, but he didn’t need to know that.
Nasi’s face twisted, making it apparent he was warring with himself.
“Of course, you don’t have to. It’s just a suggestion,” I hurriedly supplied, wanting to re-emphasize the point that I wouldn’t do that again to him.
He sighed and reluctantly gestured for me to scoot backwards and then to turn out so I was facing away from him. I was a bit confused, but did as he asked. Nasi’s hands rested lightly on my shoulders, his fingers running up and down my wing joints. I allowed myself a few moments to enjoy the sensation, then shifted into my human form so my wings wouldn’t get in our way.
“I like your other form better,” he growled into my ear. Hot arousal pooled into my belly, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I didn’t want to stop it.
If Nasi smelled it on me, he gave no indication. He simply brushed my hair to the other side, put his lips against the skin of my upper back, and bit down.
I tensed for a split second, then the pain was gone. Bolts of intense pleasure rippled through my body, straight to my core. I couldn’t help it; I moaned, and he reciprocated, the sound from his throat reverberating through my veins. I hoped he sucked me dry. It wouldn’t be so bad to die being held by Nasi, his lips against me.
Then all too soon, it was over. The rough pad of his tongue licked the puncture wounds healed, and he spun me around.
“How do you feel?” he asked, voice tinged with concern.
I grinned stupidly, feeling high on life. Or maybe it was the blood loss.
“Like you should kiss me,” I replied lazily, then frowned when I remembered his talk about consent. “But only if you wish. Because … well, I wish to.”