Page 106 of Stabby Little
A Daddy in a leather thong with silver nipple piercings approaches me. "Hey, sweet kitty. I'd love to see you drink my milk."
I shake my head. "I already have a Daddy."
This is a bald-faced lie. I rejected my mystery man and jabbed him with my fingernail. I don't know why Valentin implied he wanted to see me again, because I wouldn't if I were in his shoes. I clearly have a tendency toward violence—my mystery man hasn't even discovered my body count.
He'd run like hell if he did.
The Daddy puts his hands on his hips. "I don't mean anything sexual. I literally have a bowl of milk I'd love to see you drink."
I twist my eyes up. "Is this some kind of fetish?"
"It might be."
"Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."
"Plenty of kitties drink milk." The Daddy gestures to another boy in cat ears on his knees sipping liquid out of a bowl by another man's feet. "They just met tonight and they're having a wonderful time."
"That's not my kink."
The Daddy lets out a huff. "I can't find one willing boy. I'm the CFO of the second-largest financial institution in Manhattan, but no one wants to play with me."
"Maybe if you were at the largest financial institution, you'd find more partners."
"What a little brat. You deserve a spanking."
I step away from him. "I have a safe word and I'm not afraid to use it."
"I didn't sayI'dgive you a spanking. I meant that someone should—someone you're attracted to."
"I didn't say I wasn't attracted to you," I counter.
"Then why won't you drink milk out of my bowl?"
"It's not my thing. And I already have a Daddy."
"It could be your thing." The Daddy smirks. "You don't know yet."
I put my hands on my hips. "You're too ripped for me. I like men with Dad bods."
"That's the worst rejection line I've ever heard."
"Believe what you want. If you gained twenty pounds and waxed your chest, we'd be in business."
"I'll find another boy to fulfill my kitty fantasies. You're a pill."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"Hey, kitty." The Daddy waltzes off to a boy to my left, who's not even in cat gear. "I have a treat for you."
The boy's eyes migrate to his forehead. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm the CFO of the second-largest financial institution in Manhattan."
The boy nods. "What's the treat?"
"A bowl of milk and five hundred dollars if you drink it in front of me."
"Did you put something in the milk?"