Page 129 of Stabby Little
"He'll make something up so Michael sets him free. That's what happens when the FBI employs hard-core interrogation techniques on innocent civilians. They fabricate confessions because they want to leave."
"Anton and Zaire need to put Michael in his place. He's been erratic ever since Seth died."
"They're in on this, too." I slam Jagger against the wall. "Their entire family is. They'll stop at nothing to hunt Xavier's killer down."
"I can't believe Michael knew about the warehouse." Jagger shakes my hand off. "He told me it was for drug trafficking. Never in my entire time working for him did he suggest his true business plan."
“Sex trafficking. Everyone knew that but us."
"I thought Michael told you they hosted pitbull fights."
“He lied. He only said that after I confronted him with the conspiracy website's report on the cages. He needed a bullshit excuse."
"You're right. I can't believe I didn't see that before."
"We should end this man's life today. Let's not wait until after he interrogates Kobe. Whatever he did in that warehouse means he deserves it."
"We can't. Anton and Zaire will know it was us and hunt us down."
"Let them try. I've dealt with those assholes long enough. I thought Michael was helping me look for Ollie, but he was working against me the entire time. Now, he's threatening my son over drugs he manipulated him into selling. My family doesn't deserve this shit. The boys the Diavolos hurt didn't deserve this. We need to end his life now."
Jagger shakes his head. "One day at a time. First, let's ensure Kobe leaves this meeting alive."
"It's not a meeting. It's a goddamn interrogation."
"I'm using Michael's verbiage. We both know he's lying."
My fingers wrap around the doorknob. Am I really going through with this?
Everything in me screams to run. Inside this room, Michael's harming an innocent boy. I've dedicated my entire life to protecting the innocent and only taking down bad actors. The fact that I must take part in this interrogation, even if I'm only acting, revolts me.
Jagger issues me a curt nod. "Let's go."
I push the door open. My stomach heaves when I see Kobe.
He strains against his bonds, attempting to break free. He wears nothing but underwear and his body is covered in bruises from where Michael beat him. Blood drips down his wrists, pooling in a puddle on the concrete floor.
Tears fall down his cheeks, mixing with the dirt on his skin. A tired, haggard expression forms on his face, and the black bags under his eyes speak to his terror. Michael holds a leather whip in his hand; the end is speckled with crimson.
This motherfucker beat an innocent college student.
Michael was supposed to go easy on Kobe—not tie him up.
Michael's eyes flare as he turns to me. "It took you long enough. Where the fuck were you? Beating off in the hallway to the sounds of this little killer's screams?"
My fingers clench into fists. "We arrived as quickly as we could."
"You're such fucking liars," Michael sneers as he crosses the room. "You were probably conspiring to free this boy. Don't think I can't read your mind."
"We wouldn't do that." Jagger clenches his fists. "You know we're here to help."
Michael hands Jagger a whip. "I want answers out of this boy."
"I don't have any to give," Kobe sobs.
Michael lifts his finger. "I'm speaking to my men. Shut your fucking mouth."
"I thought you wanted him to talk," I grit out.