Page 142 of Stabby Little
A sharp sensation stings my right arm.
I whip around and spot a needle sticking out of my flesh.
"Sorry, Ollie." Miles can't make eye contact with me. "I don't have a choice."
Black spots dance before my eyes that cause my head to spin.
A female figure with a gun steps into the room and approaches me.
Miles tugs the needle out of my arm and dropkicks me to the ground.
I try to cry for help but I can't make a sound.
Everything fades to black.
My BMW screechesto a halt as I park outside the skyscraper in Chelsea. After unbuckling my seatbelt, I thrust my front door open and march to the passenger seat. I help Jagger out of my vehicle, then grab the folder with the evidence we stole from Michael's office.
We didn't bother to make a copy. We took that shit and texted the Ferrari brothers we'd bring them the information ASAP. The secrets we uncovered are way above my pay grade, but I know Constantine and his brothers will help.
Or at least I hope they will. If I'm wrong, we're fucked.
Jagger slams his door shut. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"No." I don't beat around the bush. "The Ferraris could fuck us over."
"Michael will be back later today." Jagger grips my shoulder. "There's still time to return the information to his office if we have second thoughts."
I shake my head. "We've made our decision. There's no going back."
After the shit we unearthed, I refuse to work for Michael again. The only time I want to see my former boss is when I murder him with my bare fists. I bet he'll cry like a little bitch when I end his life, choking him as he struggles. He probably won't even put up a fight like his victims—which tells me he's a coward.
My phone buzzes in my pocket.
Constantine:The door code is 51396790324029. Enter it and I'll buzz you up
Me:Will do
“Come on." Wrapping my arm around Jagger's shoulders, I lead him into the lobby. "Let's get inside before Michael's snipers take us out."
As we step onto the lushly carpeted floor, Jagger grits his teeth. "Do you think he sent men after us?"
"Not yet. His plane isn't scheduled to arrive until three. He won't know we took his files until he enters his office."
I head to the main elevator after Constantine buzzes us in. We troop into the luxurious space, pressing against the mirror as the bellhop asks us for our floor. We tell him we're heading to the penthouse suite and that we're visiting Mr. Ferrari. The bellhop opens a secret panel and presses the button for the penthouse.
When the elevator reaches the top floor, he ushers us out and points down the hall. "Mr. Ferrari's penthouse is straight down that hallway and to the left."
"Thank you." Removing my wallet, I slip him a one-hundred-dollar bill.
I lead Jagger down the hallway to Constantine's penthouse. I walk slowly, taking care not to trip any visible sensors. Constantine informed me that he put in a new security system to keep Arlo safe earlier this morning. When he lived alone, he didn't pay much attention to security. He spent his days trading stocks and running his family business, refusing to believe the underworld could ever touch him.
When the Diavolos fucked with Arlo, he realized he needed to make his home safer. He contacted an ex-Pentagon engineer and commissioned him to design a custom security system to detect unfamiliar footsteps. There'd be no means by which an intruder could sneak up on his boy. He commissioned a similar alarm for Gianluca and Benedetto's estates and logged his family's footsteps into the system so it wouldn't go off when they moved in their homes.
Constantine greets me when we reach his door. "Hey, Grant." He brings me in for a hug. "Welcome."