Page 147 of Stabby Little
Miles nods. "I'm pretty sure. He'd be moving if he were awake."
"I'm still so fucking pissed at you for selling dope." Linda paces the floor. "You know better than that. Your father was involved in the underworld, but he tried to guide you down a better path."
"It wasn't my fault, Mom. I sold some drugs and the school administrators caught me."
"How the hell did they catch you? Weren't you careful enough?"
"I confided in boys on the football team and they reported me."
"You should've kept your mouth shut. You never would've gotten in trouble."
"They said they wanted to buy pills. How was I supposed to know they'd turn me in?"
"They were likely dealing, too." Linda evidently has experience in this domain. "They figured you were encroaching on their territory and wanted to stop you."
"It wasn't my fault. I thought they were potential clients, but they fucked me in the ass."
"Don't use homophobic language."
"Why not?" Miles spits out. Anger slices his voice. "You're only saying that because Dad likes cock. Quit being so defensive."
Linda stands up. "Speak about your father that way again and we'll have problems."
"It's true." Miles sneers. "That's the reason you split up. He liked taking dick. He probably had a Grindr account. You found out."
“You're speaking out of turn. You have no idea why we split up."
"You caught him with men." Miles stomps on the ground. "Admit it."
Linda clears her throat. "You want to know the fucking truth?"
"Yes, I do."
"Your father and I had an open marriage. I was the one who pushed him to be with men in the first place."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm serious. If I hadn't suggested we experiment, he never would've done it."
"You turned Dad gay. You destroyed your marriage."
"No. Your father and I were perfectly happy. His bisexuality didn't split us up."
"Then what did?" Miles demands.
Linda and Miles step toward me.
Miles gnashes his teeth. "Don't say that. It was hard enough bringing him here in the first place."
"Your father chose Ollie over you," Linda says. "Whenever he biked over, you slid to second place."
"That's not true. We've had this discussion before."
"Itistrue." Linda's voice is emphatic. "Your friend replaced you. It pained me too much to see your father relegate you to the back burner."
Miles cracks his knuckles. "There must've been another way to clear my debt. I could've gotten a third job. Become a male stripper."