Page 15 of Stabby Little
“Do you know how this happened?” Michael demands.
“Tell me the truth.” Michael swipes the screen off. “Why the fuck is another one of my top hitmen dead?”
“I don't know, sir. If I knew, I'd tell you.”
“It's fucking suspicious, don't you think?” Michael snarls.
I take a step back. “I didn't have anything to do with it if that's what you're asking.”
“First, you disobeyed me and killed Bolverkr without my permission.” Michael picks up his glass of liquor. “Second, another one of my men ends up dead. Gordon wasn't only a hitman. He was one of my best fucking delivery drivers. He brought product to our Yonkers warehouse before it burnt down every fucking week and he never missed a Thursday night.”
Something dark underlies Michael's words.
I've heard vague rumors about his Yonkers warehouse.
I never inquire into Michael’s other businesses as a point of personal protection.
I don't want to know why Gordon visited this place every Thursday night.
The less I know, the safer I am.
“I can't tell you anything about Gordon,” I say. “And Bolverkr was a miscommunication.”
“Miscommunication, my ass.” Michael slams his fist on his desk. “Don't fuck with me. You know I'll beat your goddamn ass for three weeks straight. Tell me the motherfucking truth.”
“I know as much as you.” I keep my words direct and to the point. “I'll help you look for Gordon's killer.”
Michael leans back. “I was waiting for you to show some fucking initiative. I didn't want to torture you like you did to poor Bolverkr.”
He pulls a sharp knife out of his desk and runs his thumb over the blade. “Poor, innocent Bolverkr. His baby sister had cancer and you ended his life. Jagger told me he shot him in the head.”
“Bolverkr didn't have a sister. He was lying.”
Michael turns his black eyes to me. “I don't keep track of my underlings' family members. It's not my job.”
“Yousaidhe didn't have a sister.”
“How the fuck would I know that?”
The message is clear. Michael is either lying to me now or lied to me when Jagger and I killed Bolverkr. He's toying with my head.
“I won't disobey you again,” I say.
Michael takes a sip of his drink. “I want you to find out who murdered Gordon. Don't fuck up and kill them again. That shit won't fly. I need to interrogate them to figure out who they're working for.”
“Yes, sir.”
“It could be a rival crime family.” Michael clenches his fists. “Gordon's murderer wasn't a first-time killer. They removed his left hand. This is someone who knew him. They had a vendetta against him. I need you to figure out their identity.”
I nod. “I'll get on it.”
Michael stands up and walks over to me. He slips his arm around my shoulder and leads me to his window.
“You're distracted.” His voice is softer than it was a moment ago.
My eyes dance across his garden. “I'm thinking about Gordon's killer.”