Page 152 of Stabby Little
"He's here," Demetri growls.
Constantine tugs an AK-47 out of a chest of weapons and tosses it to me. "Grab this fucking gun. It's time to rescue Ollie."
I shakeas Michael steps toward me. I see his terrifying, dark eyes, full of menace. His clenched jaw ticks with the aggression that swirls through his brain. His hunched shoulders are packed with violence and his right fist radiates from the punch he gave Miles.
I strain against my zip ties to break free. This is the man who destroyed my life in the warehouse. The man who ordered me to fuck clients decades older than me and refused to let me leave. The man who promised I could use my safe word if I ever felt uncomfortable but told me to suck it up when I informed him my clients ignored it.
This is the man who raped me and my friends.
Evil flits across his features. He's the fucking devil. I wouldn't be surprised if horns sprouted out of his head and flames exploded behind him.
I think back to the shit he did in the warehouse. On weekends, he covered for Zaire when he snuck into Room A to help himself to the boys. He didn't give a fuck that his brother hurt the defenseless captives or ruined them for his clients. He didn't even give a shit when Gordon, that sadistic piece of shit, helped himself to any boy he wished despite what they wanted.
Michael's the reason we suffered so much. If we'd only needed to put up with our clients, we could've stayed strong. But Michael traumatized us. He horrified us from start to finish and we could never escape.
He initiated the policies that prevented us from owning pets. He crept through the cages and stole the boys' stuffed animals. He controlled every inch of the brutal operation from bottom to top and set the tone of darkness that permeated the warehouse.
I grit my teeth. "You're a monster."
Michael's eyes narrow. "You know better than to speak to me that way."
"I don't give a fuck." I spit at his feet. "You destroyed me and my friends. You're the reason our lives were hell for seven years."
Michael sneers at me. "What do you have to complain about?"
"You were one of the lucky ones. Jack protected you from my brother's savagery and kept you safe."
"Jack was a rapist." A low growl claws out from between my clenched teeth. "He fucked me when I couldn't say no."
"You liked it." Michael eyes me up and down. "Don't deny it."
"I hated Jack.”
"Fucking Jack was a reprieve from the endless stream of clients you serviced. He was your warehouse Daddy who protected you from the other guards. Remember Matt?"
I curse as memories of Matt, another brutal guard, grind through my mind. "Yes."
"He would've had his way with you if Jack hadn't stopped him. You had special privileges because of your relationship. Privileges none of the other boys had."
My fingers curl into fists. "I didn't have a choice. If I didn't screw Jack, you would've killed me."
"You consented."
"I was under duress."
Michael slams his hand into the wall next to my head. "That's your problem, you know that, Ollie? You had a good fucking thing going and you fucked it up."
"Don't lie to me."
"I planned to make you house guard. Do you realize that? All the training you did, the clients you serviced, was preparation to work for me. Jack did the same shit before I promoted him.”
“I'd never fuck captives like Jack.”