Page 54 of Stabby Little
Sweet… mother of God. No man has ever affected me this way. I've played with countless boys in this club, boys that'd drive any red-blooded man crazy with need. With and without Linda. They got me off but left me wanting more.
My kitten is so much hotter. Fuck knows why, but no one's ever turned me on more in my life. My cock has never throbbed so hard, straining against my briefs and spurting pre-cum. It'd take nothing at all for me to explode just from looking at him. I can already feel the desire creeping through me, planting seeds of lust in the innermost recesses of my soul, tempting me to pounce.
My angel sweeps across the room and stops in front of me. “Hi, Daddy.” He runs his fingers across my neck, touching my pulsating veins. “You brought toys tonight.”
“Get on the ground.” I wrap my left hand around his tight wrist, then tug it away from my neck. “I'm taking you raw tonight. Rough and primal and dirty like a kitten on the floor. I'll bust in that sweet hole and make you scream my name.”
My kitten smirks and swipes the handcuffs from my hand. “No, Daddy. We're going to play a game.”
My eyebrows slant together. “Do as I say. Or use your safe word.”
“Don't move.” My kitten slides one loop of handcuffs over my right wrist. He fastens it, then drags me off my chair with the other one. “You're coming with me.”
“Like hell I am.”
“You're my doll tonight.” My kitten leads me to the leather table across the room and forces me to lie down. He hands me a ball gag. “I'm in control. You thought you ruled the roost, but you're wrong. Here, you do what I say.”
“You like when boys take control.” My kitten runs his hand across my chest. He squeezes my nipples, sending a flurry of fire coursing through my veins. “You're my dolly. You don't get to move or protest when I enter you. I'm fucking you tonight, Daddy. Your kitty wants to be inside you so he can come in your ass.”
My cock pulsates with need. “I planned to takeyoutonight.”
“Too bad.” My kitten smirks as he palms my cock. He runs his hand up the length, then drags his thumb around the tip. “I can tell you want this. Agree to it, Daddy. Give me that delicious consent I need. Then I'll make you my bitch and fulfill your wildest fantasies.”
“Here.” My kitten places the gag over my mouth. I shake in front of him as my cock spews another bead of pre-cum. “If you don't use your safe word, I'll assume you consent. You can revoke your consent at any time by tapping my leg.”
I let him fasten the gag over my mouth, silently consenting. He pushes me onto the table and hoists himself over my body.
I moan as lust burns through me. He's…taking control again. Sweet Jesus, I never fucking thought this would turn me on, but it does. So fucking much. The thought of this perfect, young kitten having his way with me… making me his bitch… makes me harder than I've ever been in my life.
My kitten pulls his panties down and palms his hard cock. “Your boy wants to fuck you, Daddy. Will you allow that?”
I grip the table and nod. Fucking Christ. I can't believe I'm consenting to this. This is the type of shit you do in a dark alley and never tell anyone about. This is the shit you fantasize about but don't dare verbalize. This is the shit you think about when you walk by the college football practice field late at night and wish the young men practicing would run a train on your ass.
My kitten's cock breaches my channel. I grit my teeth, biting the ball gag as he slides between my walls. It's been years since a man's taken me from behind. A few men did with Linda, but I always took control in the end.
I shake on the table, fighting off the intrusion. Fire rips across my insides, lighting me up in places I didn't know existed. My kitten's cock works into my hole, feeling like a ten-inch dildo. I know he's not that big, but it feels long.
“No moving.” My kitten yanks my hair. “You're my doll, Daddy.”
I lie still.
I don't move.
I'm his doll.
His plaything.
The older man he discovered in this room he wants to have his way with.
As he wraps his delicate fingers around my neck and chokes me, making me roar into my ball gag, I realize this is the most turned on I've ever been. No boy Linda brought me made me feel this way. Hell,Lindadidn't even make me feel this way, even when she put on her slutty maid outfit and did exactly what I asked. She didn't light my insides up like this.
There's nothing about this boy that doesn't do it for me. His tiny frame, his powerful voice, his knowing eyes—even his five-inch dick turns me on. Shit, I used to be a fucking size queen, only going after boys in the club with eight-inch cocks. My cock is big as fuck, and I wanted to be with a man who at least matched me.
My kitten… is different. He's a dainty, delicate thing—or so I supposed when I first laid eyes on him. But his petite frame and innocent act conceals a monster underneath, one that excites and terrifies me. He reminds me of one of the psychopaths Michael has me track, meticulously following throughout the city to kill.
“I'm coming in this tight hole, Daddy.” My kitten swats my ass.Smack. “There's nothing you can do about it.”