Page 60 of Stabby Little
"Where do you go to school?"
"CUNY." Crystal adjusts her watch. "I started out at Columbia, but I was in a toxic relationship with a really bad guy. He gaslit me and abused me by sharing revenge porn with boys on the football team."
"That's so shitty." I grit my teeth.
"You can say that again. My father and I tried to tell the administrators, but they didn't care. We're currently gathering evidence to sue him. In the meantime, I'm at CUNY with plans to transfer my credits to NYU when I wrap up this semester."
"That's a better fit. I'm sorry you went through that shit."
"My ex was a pig. I know not all men are like that, but it doesn't make me feel good."
"Your ex gives guys a bad name." I shake my head in disgust. "He should pay for what he did. There's no excuse for gaslighting."
"Or sharing revenge porn."
The barista sets Crystal's Americano on the counter. "Here's your Americano, mylady."
Crystal makes a face. "Thanks, Steven."
"What can I get you?" The barista looks in my direction.
I tell him I'll have the same as Crystal. When he slips behind the counter, Crystal turns to me.
"Steven doesn't usually come on Wednesday afternoons." She winces as she takes a sip of her drink. "I don't like being here when he's working."
"Why not?"
"He says my lady and has a neck beard."
"I should've intuited that. That neck beard is atrocious."
"Anyone who says my lady unironically instantly goes on my creep list."
"It sounds like you're running into a lot of bad apples." I thread a strand of my black wig over my ear. "You're not having great luck."
"My uncle says I must've murdered someone in a past life. The gods are spiting me for my sins."
"It's not fair to spite you when you can't even remember your sins because you committed them in a past life."
"I know. It takes the fun out of sinning."
Steven returns with my drink. "Here you go, sir."
I smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."
Crystal leans toward me. "I think he likes you, too. I overheard him telling Sabrina—that's my favorite barista—he's bisexual."
"Why do you think he's into me?"
"He called you sir."
I shake my head in disappointment. "He probably calls every man sir. His job is to be polite."
Crystal pauses a moment to regard me. She looks me up and down, then takes a sip of her Americano.
"You're funny." She flashes me a look. "You're not like the boys who usually come to this shop."