Page 71 of Stabby Little
"I'm still dealing drugs. I didn't mean to. I swear I was going to stop after you told me to, but I didn't."
"You made a mistake getting involved with Michael.”
"Michael said I only got caught because I wasn't stealthy enough. With his help, he could usher me into the big leagues. I wouldn't need to worry about paying for college because he'd take me under his wing."
I grit my teeth. “We need to discuss this in person."
"I'm two hundred grand in debt. I was supposed to move the drugs by last month, but it didn't happen. Shit got in the way and I can't sell my stash."
I set my glass down. "We'll figure this out."
"You abandoned me. That's what Michael said."
My brow furrows. “Like hell I did.
"Michael told me I got into drugs because you abandoned me. All you ever did was think about rescuing Ollie. It was Ollie this, Ollie that. Michael said he could help me make you proud. But now he's threatening me. I don't know how to get out of it."
"Do you still have the drugs?" I know Michael doesn't fuck around when it comes to his product. Two hundred grand is a lot of money.
"Don't touch them."
"I need to sell them. If I don't, Michael will kill me."
"Keep them in a secure place. We'll discuss it next weekend."
"Okay. I meant to quit, I swear."
I've barely hung up the phone when it buzzes again.
Jagger:You need to see this
Me:I'm dealing with family shit so I can't
Jagger:This could cost you your job
Me:Tell me
Jagger:Did you see Crystal's date at the wedding?
Me:I don't remember
Jagger:It's all Michael's hitmen can talk about. Apparently security let him in because he was with Crystal
Me:I remember now. He had long black hair and wire-rimmed glasses
Jagger:He fits the height of the boy who went into the bathroom with Xavier
Me:Kobe Bailey? He’s blond
Jagger:Michael's men believe Kobe was at the wedding in a disguise
Me:I'm on it
I pull up Anton's number.
Me:I must speak to your daughter