Page 120 of Wolf Awakened
"I kissed Jayce," I hissed and glared up at him, waiting for some type of jealous response, but he remained there, staring into my eyes with those damn black spheres that had seen my ups and downs, flaws, and victories.
He'd seen me at my best and worst, and still, here he was, even though there were no strings attached in this thing.
This complicated as fuck relationship.
"I know," he replied as if it weren’t a big deal. That infuriated me.
"Why aren't you angry?" I screamed in his face and he shrugged.
"I knew you were dealing with multiple emotions at once and sadly I couldn't be there to comfort you myself," he elaborated. "I gave Jayce permission to be there for you. It was what I knew would keep you sane and comforted without my company."
"You just met them! Yet, you trust them?"
He didn't say anything immediately, which made me push him and slide off the sink. I didn't even make it three steps before I tripped over air and he caught me. I huffed and tried to pull out of his hold, but it was useless as he lifted me and held me with one arm as he headed to the nightstand. He pulled the top drawer further out to retrieve the injection serum that always reminded me of an EpiPen.
"What if they try to steal me away, huh?!"
"They won't," he muttered and dropped me onto the bed.
I scrambled up and stood on the bed, pointing down at him. "They'll fuck shit up! They'll ruin what we've built! You're doing this so when the time comes and you get a mate, you can leave me with them forever!"
"I'm just a burden to you, right?! That's all I've been to anyone in this fucking lifetime. A hindrance because I'm not a wolf. A mistake because I'm a female and not a male. You're tossing me away because I'm hindering you from finding your mate!"
He grabbed my leg and tugged me so I fell back onto the bed. I hadn’t even recovered as he was on top of me, and I hissed and scratched him like my life depended on it.
"Go away! Stop clinging to me like you're not going to abandon me later! We'll never be together! A wolf and a human will never lead to a happy ending! Never, never, never!"
My sobs escaped then, and my heart hurt so bad because of how stupid I'd been. We always agreed that this thing between us would never have any strings attached, and yet here I was, in love with him, with all those emotional strings attached.
He sighed and lifted me into his arms. At some point, he got us into a sitting position with me in his lap as I cried my eyes out. I was so frustrated. So damn annoyed that I couldn't predict what laid ahead of us, and the idea of being abandoned by him hurt so bad that I wasn’t sure my heart could take it.
He held me close to him, whispering soft words that reminded me that he understood me. That he understood this breakdown wasn't a sign of weakness, but strength. That I needed to let these wailing emotions out so I could wake up refreshed and ready to kick another day in the ass.
That I need him more than ever.
"The world can fight to tear us apart, but it'll never happen," he vowed. "You'll always be my Sugar, Willow. My sweet woman who can walk the halls with male dominance during the day and allow that seductive femininity of yours out at night. You turn me on every hour of the day, and no matter what comes our way, I'll never abandon you."
"What if the others want me, huh? You see it in their eyes. The possibilities. You can't share me. You don't have a sharing bone in your damn body!"
He chuckled then as he held me closer, his lips brushing mine before we kissed intensely. He cradled me like I was his entire world. How fucking delicious his lips were as they devoured mine with so much passion, I wondered where he stored it all.
"If it was before I joined their pack of Forbidden Fruit...I would have never dared to share you." His honesty caught my attention as his lips brushed against mine while he spoke. "However, joining made me realize their underlying motive. It gave me a sneak peek of the fucked-up shit they've endured in the shadows within a state that never gave them a helping hand. It pisses me off to say it, but they're similar to us, Sugar. They've each been through things I'm positive no one else would be able to survive from. To know all of that gives me a slight bit of hope that they'll be able to protect you as passionately as I. Not because I'm trying to abandon you, but because I can't risk losing you."
He met my eyes with his own, which were glassy with tears.
"If I lose you, Willow, it's over. If I have to experience one more destructive release from a pack, I'll lose my sanity completely. I've done it twice for your sake, knowing damn well you'd bring me back to my senses, but if you're out of the picture, Sugar, it's over, and they know it. They understand that...and I think they're what we've always been searching for."
A place to call home. A group of individuals who grasped our sense of insanity. People who understood we carried triggers and weren't beings of happiness.
We'd committed our own set of sins, murders, and things we couldn't change. We were sometimes plagued with moments of heartbreak, tortured by our pasts, and frightened of what the future had in store for us.
We needed a place that understood all of that and more, and he thought he’d found it in these four men.
I slowly nodded in understanding as we pressed out foreheads together. I wished to be a wolf that could do exactly this with him in that form. To comfort his wolf so he’d stop feeling guilty for what happened in the past and move forward into the present.
Would his wolf get along with Jayce? Would their trauma of losing control aid them in healing those wounds that still linger?