Page 125 of Wolf Awakened
"Bitch," Aurelia huffed as she filled a vase she found that was big enough to fit all those stems of the roses. "You ain't paying me shit. You're my Ride or Die. You don’t pay for treatments."
"But..." I trailed off as she gave me a look. "No payment. Take me out to dance when you're feeling better," she offered.
I gave her an appreciative smile and nodded. "Thanks, Aurelia."
"Always." She winked. "Go shower. I'll accept any more deliveries, but I'll probably be gone when you're done showering. I’ve got a coven meeting,"
"Thanks, bestie. You could go ahead. I'll be fine," I assured her.
"Enjoy your shower," she encouraged. "Don’t get horny on the way there."
"Ugh," I groaned again and shook my head, but I placed the empty beer bottle on the counter and headed to my room. Sliding the glass doors closed, I took the opportunity to really admire the painting, from my short pink hair with hints of white to the silky strands of Dimitris’ navy-blue and pink strands.
The sculpting of Dimitris’ slim built body was beautiful while the pale to tanned lines of his skin gave off the perfect shadowing effect. He had certain tattoos I'd never witnessed before, and I unexpectedly licked my lips like he was a delicious cake ready to be devoured.
To be worshipped and brought to a state of quivering, seconds before his hot cum shoots out in waves.
Shaking my head at my little fantasy, I observed my counterpart, William.
Staring at myself from another’s perspective in a painting was intriguing, to say the least. How I used this alter ego to save me from so many instances, and here it was, upon a canvas surface, painted to perfection.
This was a version of myself that protected me from the daily hours of abuse. The male ego that shielded me from the wrong in this world and the hidden insecurities I had to face on my own. It had gotten easier when Onyx and Aurelia came into my life. Their acceptance of both sides of me protected me against that constant afterthought that always assaulted my mind.
To think all that time, I thought if I worked harder, grew stronger, and was able to keep up my male reflection for longer periods of time, I'd recieve the love I’d always yearned for from my father.
To grow enough strength to get my mom out of her situation.
Lately, that woman had come into my mind again and again. I wished I had the balls to walk through the Pack House with my head up high and locate her. To find the dungeon she was chained to and simply get her out and take her out of that shithole of pain and endless desolation.
I could have done that when I was sixteen and considered an outcast for not feeling the mate call. For being a disgrace for not carrying a wolf like the rest of those around me.
Those nights when I was tortured, I wondered if she could hear my pitiful screams. If she could see her poor child was suffering at the hands of her father, who should have worked hard to protect her instead of failing her entirely by becoming her enemy.
It amazed me how some days I'd make excuses for that man. Plenty of excuses that he had to do ABCD to give me the life I'd acquired now when in reality, I suffered and fought hard to not succumb to the circumstances laid out for me.
He didn't see me reaching this far in life, and maybe that hurt him more than I knew.
That I'm the only mistake he's got.
No matter how many times he'd tried to get women pregnant, he’d failed. I was the miracle he'd been begging for from a mother who once held her own level of power.
Is that level of power still there in her? That is...if she's alive?
Even as a male, I looked so different from my father. My soft complexion and the lines of my face always reminded me of the few memories I carried of Mother. If she could see me now, would she be proud of my accomplishments thus far?
Would she actually fight for my salvation or contribute to my downfall?
Turning away from the image, I made a mental note for Aurelia to spell the thing so Onyx wouldn't destroy it. I wasn't sure if it would stay in the bedroom, but at the same time, it seemed to be the best place for it.
A hidden masterpiece for me and my lovers alone.
The idea of lovers reminded me of what Aurelia was inquiring about. If I'd fucked one of the guys yet. The idea made me clench my teeth because they still appeared to be villains in whatever story I was portraying.
I'd screwed over their plans, their expectations of having me as their bait to use against my father. It had surely not gone the way they’d envisioned -just like me -but was I capable of loving them?
Capable of shedding my hard layers of defense to let them in?
I couldn't imagine us being as close as I was with Onyx, and even he struggled to really get in tune with me unless I let my walls down.