Page 14 of Wolf Awakened
His eyes narrowed at me, but he retreated and left Onyx blinking three times before he hollered, "Still a crazy bitch, huh, Sugar?"
"Whatever makes you masturbate at night," I huffed. "Put some clothes on already."
"How will I be able to do that, my sweet?"
"Locker behind you has your clothes."
"I'm positive I walked all the way here and stripped out of those fighter shorts since they were drenched in blood, so I’ve got no clothes."
"You used one of my showers, didn't you?"
How did I not notice?
"Yes, but you can't kill me in my sleep seeing as you only use one shower stall and its off-limits unless someone has a death wish."
"Glad we speak the same language at times," I grumbled, still annoyed that he used one of the other showers without me noticing. "Hurry and change. I wanna go home."
He playfully smirked as he rotated his body enough to reach for the locker opposite mine and reveal the fresh set of his clothes folded nicely in the closed space.
He whistled and bobbed his head in approval. "Would you look at that. I thought I'd misplaced my Gucci jeans and Louis Vuitton shirt."
His expression was like he'd opened the first present on Christmas morning as he glanced my way. "Thanks, Sugar. You didn't have to go through the extra effort of washing the clothes I left last week."
"If I didn't, your wolf would prowl my wardrobe for one of my expensive suits and fuck it up. Don't think I don't hear about the horror stories from the Pack House when it comes to your wolf's issues with clothing."
"He doesn't have issues," he defended as he leaned back against the side locker to give me a sexy smirk. "He simply doesn't tolerate bullshit from anyone. Except you, of course."
I shrugged and reached for my underwear while he continued, "Or Aurelia. She zapped him with some electric voodoo that had him yelping for a good hour and gave me a headache for a week."
"You probably deserved it," I concluded, not even feeling pity for him. I’d known him and Aurelia the longest. Long enough to know Aurelia didn't punish people unless they surpassed her limit of calm.
That limit was extremely high seeing as she was on the "crazier" side and rarely got angry.
"I did, but don't tell her I said that," he taunted with a wink and was suddenly placing a kiss on my lips. "Let's have fun tonight."
"You're not doing anything." Why wasn't I surprised that he knew my nightly schedule for the day? It was Sunday after all, which meant tomorrow was the day everyone hated.
Mondays suck, period.
"I need to sleep early."
"I'll make sure you sleep good," he whispered seductively while rings of silver inched into his charcoal orbs. "You always sleep well with me in the equation."
"Because you're like a sleeping pill after a long day of bullshit," I huffed. "Only difference is you deliver a kick of physical exhaustion that pleases you."
"Us," he corrected.
"You're my rival, remember?"
"When did that happen?" he inquired. "Oh right, when I didn't join the De Luca's grand pack."
"Not really, but we can add that to the list if you agree with it." I shrugged. "I still hate your guts."
"And love me in bed," he concluded. "Let me come over."
"Only if you let me walk home on my own," I suggested.