Page 154 of Wolf Awakened
"I did," he replied. "I fought against the bond until it shattered, went rogue for six months, found the fucker in Dubai, kidnapped and trapped him in a dungeon, and proceeded to fuck over his entire life until his whole bloodline was wiped from this damn earth, right before his eyes. Then I brought him all the way back to the very spot he dropped Willow and pushed him off the same cliff."
No one spoke, and I was fighting hard for my jaw to not drop. Rogue wolves were basically psychotic masterminds if they broke the bond out of revenge. This was a perfect example and this man clearly paid dearly for it.
"He did the same in protecting his brain, but I shackled him with cuffs that halted his magic at a certain level, so he sank to the very bottom of that creek, and before you ask, I checked myself."
All I could do was nod, the others making similar gestures of understanding as we acknowledged that Onyx was a fucking badass. It was one thing to get justice by killing an individual, but he went to great lengths to do that while ridding every root of this man's bloodline.
That's something a Forbidden would do.
"You're telling us this for a reason, yes?" Dimitris questioned.
"Yes," Onyx replied as he nodded his head, and he grew emotionless as his wolf took over. "It's obvious now, but I'll state it here and now. I love Willow. I've loved her for as long as I can remember, and you can now understand where my stalker tendencies come from," he explained. "When there’s a situation that threatens her life and I can’t be there to protect her...I have the urge to leave whatever pack I'm in."
The revelation made me look at Dimitris, who nodded slightly in understanding.
"Are you tempted to leave?"
"Yes," he admitted. "However, Willow did something I didn't expect her to when she returned. She went and acknowledged each of you. Something she would have never done with any other group of wolf shifters. That tells me she trusts you fuckers to some extent." He paused to look around the room before he moved along to the point. "Willow is strong. She's a badass bitch who won't let anyone who fucks her over get away with it. I know you're going to want to eliminate the person who did this, and I'm pretty confident you all know who it is," he voiced. "Whoever they are, don’t kill them."
I was going to ask why, but Jayce spoke up.
"You want her to take revenge on this individual." I could see that burning passion in his eyes that I hadn't seen since he used to fight in the ring. Before he lost the ability to fight when he murdered his mate with his own hands.
"Exactly," he whispered. "I stole that from Willow. I took the initiative to murder the man who tried to steal her away from me when she would have surely gone to Dubai herself and killed the fucker with her bare human hands. Whoever triggered those old memories that she'll fight hard to bury knows the extent of Willow's past or at least knows someone else who uncovered it. Regardless of their reasoning, she deserves to claim justice with her own hands."
He rose up then, and a yawn escaped him. "I need a nap."
We simply nodded in understanding and he headed to the door, but Dimitris spoke.
"Your honesty will reward you with a pack that doesn't turn on their own," he whispered as Onyx came to a stop.
"I've never worried about you guys turning on me," Onyx revealed as he looked over his shoulder to stare back at us. "My worry is how long you'll be able to keep Willow around until you push her away."
With that, he left us in the silent room. That question had been solely directed at Dimitris.
How long until he can’t keep her by his side?
When we arrivedat our temporary home, the sun was beginning to rise as the morning approached. It was Saturday morning so the streets were still quiet compared to the busy weekday mornings where everyone was rushing to get to work while others were returning from their night shifts.
Our security team was the first to come out from the mansion to make sure it was safe for us to get out of our vehicle. All of them were heavily armed and ready to shoot to kill if necessary.
We knew we'd make enemies fast by crossing into this heavily populated territory, but it was becoming time that we started to shift gears and show a few of these individuals our true colors.
With the executive deal coming up, we had to play it "safe”, but it was a short few weeks away and if we pressed on how beneficial we'd be with our joined attributes, it would be brought forward just to secure the deal.
They were clearly waiting for us to secure the female who was going to join us, and that was why this shit hadn't been sealed already. We didn't want to reveal that Willow would be our potential female because we wanted to protect her.
Yet she was almost stolen from our grasps without us even realizing it.
We were playing too safe, and we’d almost faced the dear consequences.
As if we haven't taken a dangerous plunge.
Onyx was staying with Willow but informed us when she woke up, we should return and move to option A of the plan. There was no questioning that plan. Willow was going to hate it beyond measure, but at least it would keep her somewhat protected and her actions controlled until we could secure this deal once and for all.
Once we do that, all bets are off. We can unleash the chains that will be shattered by our own hands.