Page 159 of Wolf Awakened
"It's hot," I admitted. "Red is sexy. Black would be good in bed though."
"We invite her in our house and now she's flirting with Neo." Jayce sighed. "Yup. This is a bad idea."
"It's only a bad idea if Neo asks her out," Saint offered.
"Ask me out?" I inquired and raised my eyebrow as I paused in throwing my fuzzy handcuffs. That got all their attention and I shrugged. "What? Never done foreplay or bondage with your woman?"
"Nope, but I'm totally down for it," Saint offered as he raised his hand up like we were in a classroom.
Jayce sighed and slapped his hand down. "Behave. You're too holy to do bondage."
"Too holy? What the fuck does that even mean?"
"Been there, done that, wasn't fun," Neo answered. "Apparently I'm too rough."
"I could see that," I commented, but I thought about it. "Sounds fun. When are we going on a date?"
Jayce and Saint paused in their bickering to actually stare at me with astonished expressions while Dimitris actually looked bewildered.
"You're not actually serious," he stated with a monotone voice.
"I was being serious," I validated. "Why? Is Neo taken."
"Nope," he replied and walked over to me. "Totally free."
"Then why is everyone else looking at me like I committed a really fucked-up sin?" I questioned. "And hanging a man in the church until mass starts and letting his blood fall into the holy fountain where they get their holy water doesn't count."
That left them all questioning my statement, and I added, "He was a douche and deserved it. Trust me."
"Cool by me," Neo declared, and he suddenly picked me up.
"W-W-What? Where are you taking me?!" I gasped.
"On a date," he declared and turned around.
"W-Wait! I'm not done packing!"
"They could pack for you."
"I don’t like people touching my stuff!"
"Then Onyx will pack for you."
"He's not even here!" I whined and tried to wiggle out of his hold as he carried me on his shoulders.
"He'll be back," Neo replied, but his response gave me a jolt of anxiety, enough for Neo to stop. We were standing in the kitchen, and he lowered me right onto the kitchen island.
"Why am I sitting on the island now?" I asked, but my voice was quieter, as if it were some sort of secret.
"Why are you anxious?" he countered.
"How do you know?"
"I can see your energy when your mood swings. You're nervous about something, and it's not in regards to me potentially kidnapping you."
His seriousness seemed to cut through my questioning nature, but I debated saying what I wanted to say.
Afraid to be judged for my flickering emotions.