Page 177 of Wolf Awakened
"Out of the four of them thus far, he accepts me. Even though I'm just a human. We've had a few encounters, but each moment has triggered something in me that I’ve never felt from anyone aside from you. That has to mean something, right? Even if we're supposed to be enemies in reality."
"We were once enemies," he reminded with a smirk.
"Then you used all that bonus charm in that surname of yours and swept me off my feet," I teased back. "I know our relationship is faster...and I love that pace...but that kiss just now was the most electrifying, heart-filling experience I've had with you, and the idea of doing that again in another's company, like Neo’s, makes me feel validated beyond measure."
I gave him a shy smile, which was one of the few times I have ever done so.
"Weird, right?"
"Nah," he replied and graced me with a loving smile of his own. My heart practically halted as my eyes took in the calming yet serene sight of his expression. "I think it's a beautiful way of experiencing a new world of affection."
The knock on the door told me his delay was pissing off Dimitris, and lo and behold, the man was at the door when Onyx opened it.
"You want us to fuck shit up tonight?"
"Certainly," Onyx announced in my place before he moved in to deliver a frisky kiss just to piss Dimitris off. "Be back, Sugar." He winked at me. "We’ve got quick business before our run. If I'm not back, don’t worry. I'll be there at some point."
"Okay," I sweetly replied, and turned around, not giving Dimitris any acknowledgment. "I'm gonna shower." With those words, I tugged my shirt right off, slipped out of my panties, and sauntered naked all the way to the bathroom, knowing damn well Dimitris was watching every movement.
When I closed the door, I could hear Onyx's laughter all the way down the hall, followed with curses that left me grinning like a rebellious child.
Things are opening up for me that I never imagined would be a reality. I'm going to run with my pack. Even as a human.
The reminder of being a human, for the first time ever, didn't bring sadness to my heart that was thrumming with purpose. No matter my flaws, I was valid within this pack, and maybe this run was what I needed to find myself.
To find my true purpose around those who are Forbidden like me.
"You're not worriedabout the others?" I inquired as I finished stretching.
"Nah," Jayce replied as he rolled his shoulders. "If they're taking longer, it means they're cleaning up."
In other words, disposing of a body...or bodies.
"Didn't think they would be called so soon," I commented as I peered up at the night sky, the full moon out in its radiant glory. True to its name, it was a light shade of pink that shone vibrantly against the navy blue surface.
The stars were beginning to twinkle in their spots, while the forest grew darker by the minute. The air was filled with moisture, and I wondered if it was either going to rain or if we were going to experience our first snowfall.
The reminder of winter's approach only emphasized the reality that I was officially unemployed. With Onyx revealing the swift decision due to the objective of protecting me, I was officially out of my father's clutches.
There was no need to be William anymore, but the mere idea of letting go of that very persona made me feel incomplete in a sense. I'd have to face that challenge after all of these piled-up circumstances were dealt with, but with how swiftly things were moving, I wondered when would we get that break to breathe.
"This was a side call," Jayce noted. "They're still waiting on the call that will notify us who the culprit is that initiated that attack on you."
He turned his attention to me, his muscled chest of tattoos glimmering wonderfully under the moonlight. He ruffled his hair as his harsh eyes observed me carefully, to the point that I was unable to ignore it.
"What?" I asked. "Did I mid-shift and grow a cock?"
That caught him off-guard as he frowned before looking deep in thought.
"Wait. You can do that?"
"You can do anything with magic," I voiced and followed up with, "But I ain't doing the whole female on top, male on the bottom fantasy. Unless you're paying me them big bucks and let me ride your cock after."
I expected him to counter me but he was grinning at me, which looked both threatening and damn right seductive.
"Stop smiling," I huffed. "You're making it seem as if that's your damn fantasy."
"Maybe it is," he quipped. "That wasn't why I was observing you though."