Page 19 of Wolf Awakened
My arm was already around his neck, twisting it perfectly until the loud wrenching sound left him grunting before he dropped to the ground like a dead fly. I was off him the next second, the gun and knife he had at his sides already in my possession as I shot at the two men that had collided into one another.
They were attempting to run towards me, but the bullets from the gun struck one of each of their legs. They crumbled to the ground, leaving the final man who had yet to take a swing at me scream his battle cry as he sprinted my way.
I was already bored from all this physical banter as I twirled the blade I had stolen in my right-hand grasp and sent it flying until it embedded itself between his eyes. His scream was like the music of the night. The cool breeze picked up once more and reminded me that the objective was to get out of here or at least reach the tunnels unharmed.
Don't want to make Viktor feel bad for taking care of far more important business than protecting me.
I didn't dare remain still as the first large shadow jumped out of the alleyway and headed straight to me. The feral growl raged through the air, confirming my suspicions of wolves being around.
They always send one to see what I'm made of first. Stupid.
I tucked the gun in the tightened hold of my tied jacket, seeing no need to waste precious bullets on a beast like this. The poor beast -or should I say wolf shifter -was about to deal with a dose of magical anarchy.
They'll all wish they hadn't decided to interrupt my evening.
Spinning around in time, my arms shot up while my fingers spread further out in defense as the beast crashed right into me. We both went flying, but I didn't even hit the ground as I hugged onto him and allowed my sizzling magic to charge up.
The wolf's growls turned into shrieking yelps as I let the first round of electric shocks surge through him, surprising the poor thing. He fought hard to shake me off, but the more effort he used to flick me off of him only gave me the extra motivation to keep letting my wild shocks of electric force run through him.
With one final yelp, his body went limp as we fell to the floor. I easily slipped out from beneath his massive weight, having lifted far heavier things than a 280-pound werewolf. Papa Dearest may have hated my guts for being a female, but he didn't raise any weak bitch.
The endless pain of silver burning my flesh, the constant kicks and blows delivered to me from all angles, strengthened me. I was the perfect punching bag until I learned how to defend myself against any assailant, whether it was a human double my size or a wolf triple my the size.
The mere reminder had me laughing cynically as two wolves decided to tag team me, charging my way. They didn't know the shit I'd dealt with. The desire for survival racing through my blood in that enclosed space reminded me of my chained circumstances.
I debated about whether to play to their tune or get this over with, but I was never really the patient type when I was free to do as I pleased.
Time to enjoy the joyful sounds of pain.
Clapping my hands together, I felt the flaming force of magic, one of the few elements I truly had control over -even though it was the strongest and most uncontrollable element in the magic spectrum.
Fire burst from between my pressed palms, and I pulled back my hands to allow the burning force to wrap around me like I'd summoned a pinch of Hell to aid me in my conquest as I ran towards the charging wolves.
Before they could bare their sharp teeth at me, I was up in the air, flipping so I was now above their skidding bodies and shooting flames at them. Both streams of fire hit their targets, whose screams were not as rewarding as the smell of burnt flesh and fur.
I landed in time to spin around, draw my gun, and begin shooting at the final wolf, who was running towards me at full speed. The bullets hit him multiple times, and I kept shooting until I completely ran out. Tossing the gun away, I rose up and faced him head-on, darting forward to meet his racing force with my own.
My move clearly shocked him as he tried to slow down, but I lifted my fist as I took a deep breath to circulate all my energy into my raised fist like Aurelia had taught me recently. This was a risky move to do, especially since I'd yet to try it, but if at first you don't succeed, fuck it and try something that will ensure your survival.
I launched my lifted fist forward. It collided into the wolf's nose as he tried to bite me. He’d failed to predict my last-minute push off the ground, which had enough leverage for a direct hit. His screech was followed with gushing blood and a few cracked bones in his face while his body crumbled to the ground as aftershocks of energy soared around us, knocking down anyone or thing that could have tried to stop me.
I landed on the creature’s back, looking around to ensure I’d gotten all my enemies.
Two of the wolves had already shifted back, their limp bodies either twitching or soaking in their own pool of blood. I had a feeling they were all male, a common denominator in times like these. From the scent of their fur, they weren't from around here.
As if anyone from here would dare attack me.
You didn't need to know who I was in my female form to feel that unknown force that discouraged anyone from approaching me. It was an instinct, like the kind that told you to not open that door leading to haunted shit in horror movies, but did people listen? Nah.
They loved the thrill of fear until it was rushing through them before their lives flashed before their eyes. Checking my hands and the rest of my body, I noticed the bruise on my shoulder which I hadn't noticed I'd received.
Please let Onyx not be at my place.
He'd go on a mission to find out who these dipshits were, and I felt bad enough for their poor souls. I'd done enough damage. They didn't need that scary beast of a wolf on their asses.
Onyx never tried to show just how overprotective of a fucker he was when it came to me, but after the hell we'd experienced with one another, I guess it became one of those life instincts.
After all, we were caged in the same dungeon for years, being trained to deliver nothing but pain and death. How we became functional individuals in this society was a mystery that would never be solved. It was similar to how, even though he was a late bloomer, when his wolf finally made his grand entrance, it felt like our wolf community shook in fear of what he'd do.