Page 192 of Wolf Awakened
When the darkness crept into my vision, I accepted it, and I somehow lifted my hand up as a spark of pink light grew brighter and brighter. I felt its warmth, the loving realms of acceptance that tugged me from my body.
I was left floating upward as I left my body that had done its purpose.
Forgive me. Forgive me. I've been going too hard in your city. Forgive me, cause I'm not teary. Best believe...I'll move onto better things.
A new beginning. A new life. A new horizon.
Forgive me.
When my pawsentered the edge of the forest, I was already shifting back into my human form, until I was standing naked in the last bits of pure white snow and taking in the trail of blood that led straight off the cliff.
My instinct was to run forward and jump to retrieve the woman I'd been in love with for what seemed like forever, but the hand that landed on my shoulder held me back, leaving me no choice but to turn around to face the one who stopped me from being unreasonable.
"I'm not stopping you," Neo announced as he moved his hand off my shoulder. "I need to know how I can help because we're running out of time and you holding that blade doesn't give me rescue mission vibes."
I'd forgotten I'd grabbed the damn thing in the first place, but the reminder made me grip the pink knife a little harder.
"Her blood is still fresh in the snow." I let my observations seep into words. "However, it's only so long before her magic can’t save her from the clutches of death."
"So you're going to…" Neo questioned and left it open for me to fill in.
"Cut my wrists and go after her."
He stared at me, those voided eyes beginning to seep with red as magic cloaked his flesh.
"You know something I don’t."
"Just as you know something about me that I also know lingers within your blood," I voiced back as red magic circles began to finish their materialization in place of his irises.
"You're going to take the risk of dying to stop her from ascending," he concluded.
"That tells me you've died more than once and met Mother Moon herself," I voiced with a smirk and cut my first wrist, which made me hiss. "Fuck. That shit still hurts."
"Maybe try not cutting your vein completely," Neo muttered but his eyes noticed something before he moved away from me to retrieve it. I cut my other wrist, biting my lip this time to hold back the urge to hiss, and knew I’d better make that leap now or I'd be unconscious in a minute or two.
I caught onto Neo as he lifted something up - a red handkerchief that I'd seen in Willow’s room. I knew it was his without a doubt, but the fact that she kept it safe all this while merely confirmed my suspicions.
"Go down first. By the time I reach you two, hopefully, you'll be already where you need to be," he encouraged, his serious eyes lifting from the red fabric to stare into my dedicated eyes.
It was now or never, and I was about to do something I couldn't confirm would work.
"You can carry both of us?"
"You underestimate my strength," he replied. "Hurry. Our Sweetness is fading away, and it would be a shame for her Wilting Flower nickname to become a reality."
I nodded and focused on the edge as I had way back then when I didn't believe this world could be so cruel. Seeing these same events unfold once again only confirmed that I couldn’t hold back in loving Willow any longer.
I couldn’t see her self-destruct a third time around.
There was no doubt in my mind as I pushed off the ground and raced forward, my eyes catching a glimpse of a flaming wolf who hid in the shadows of the other side of the forest. I didn't stop myself from my prime focus, but I acknowledged that if I failed, that being would either save Willow in some way or witness our failure.
I took a huge breath as I dove towards the chilled waters that were still, waiting for my approaching plunge.
All I could think about now was the woman I'd prayed to be by my side. No matter in life...or in death. I promised to never abandon her, and this moment was no different than the rest.
I won't let you die alone, Willow. If this will be our resting be it.