Page 194 of Wolf Awakened
"The Land of the In Between?" I repeated.
"It is the place between life and death, and it's where I'm able to reach you," she revealed. "Wolf shifters are the only ones who can arrive at this place. I determine the path you'll take next. You wouldn't have arrived here at this moment if you didn't carry a wolf, Willow."
"That means I'm...I'm..."
"When I created you, Willow, I knew your destiny would be harsh," she revealed. "A path that held a constant weight of burdens, pain, heartache, and spikes of despair. No matter the downs and darkness that covered your path, I created you with resilience. To be brave, confident, fierce, and optimistic about the life you wished to create for yourself. I made no errors in your creation, Willow. Your life experiences have carved you into the woman I wished you to become. There's one more test for you to experience, but that will require you to be helped by another. One that you may not get along with."
I stared into her eyes as they twinkled with merriment and she grasped my hands and squeezed them gently.
"You are inches away from your awakening, Willow, but I will give you this moment to decide,"she announced."Do you want to continue this path of forbidden uncertainty, or do you wish to return to where you were created?"
To try one more time at this game of life, or to give up and return to the lands of my very creation.
The second option sounded so easy. I would finally be left in peace while I allowed myself to rest after years of torture.
But am I ready to give up? Am I able to let go of the life I lived and simply ascend to the land of peace?
I couldn’t help but think about those I'd leave behind: Viktor, Aurelia, Onyx, Neo, Saint, Jayce, and even that fucker, Dimitris.
No matter the highs and lows...I'd miss them.
There was so much I wanted to get to know about them. So many more memories to create with their company. I had to unlock those treasure chests buried deep within the darkness of their pasts and discover the hidden Easter eggs that would open them up, little by little.
Would it be worth letting it all go for peace?
That's all I’d ever wanted. A life where I could be truly happy around good people and a sense of community. I may receive peace in the afterlife, but I'd still be alone.
And that's what scares me.
To be alone.
To be forgotten...
To regret what I'd decided was best for me...
Without understanding my true potential until it's far too late.
"I think you know your answer,"she stated as she let go of my hands.
I was shocked by the familiar voice. My head darted to the left side to see Onyx racing towards me. My eyes were wide while my jaw hung open, tears brewing, and a sense of overwhelming hope consumed my being.
I looked to Mother Moon, and she was smiling as she slowly nodded and reached to press her hand on my shoulder.
As if this is farewell for now.
"Stop trying to achieve perfection and start accepting that all those flaws that make you who you are is what will unlock what you wholeheartedly desire,"she advised and grinned in encouragement."I'll continue to watch over you, Willow. When you return, you will endure that final test. That will determine how badly you want what you've been looking for. I hope we don’t see each other again for a long while."
She patted my shoulder three times, then pushed me forward, and that was the urge I needed to start running towards Onyx. Seeing him here not only meant the world to me, it made me realize how foolish it was for me to think I was all alone.
To throw away this man who was willing to be the roots of this relationship and the relationships that would blossom from this love I was finally able to accept.
I threw myself into his arms, and he took my weight and twirled me around as he hugged me for dear life. Even if this is the land in between life and death, he felt so real to me.
He feels so alive.
"Remember, Willow."Mother Moon's voice drifted into my mind."Sometimes destiny connects you with whom you're supposed to love without you realizing it. Follow your heart and the instincts that guide you on this journey, and you'll be rewarded with what you've craved to hold onto for all your life. Allow yourself to love and be loved."