Page 33 of Wolf Awakened
"Go fuck yourself," I grumbled with my husky voice that was filled with sleep. I found the nearest pillow and hugged it, not caring about the beams of light piercing through my penthouse that told me the sun was already beginning to rise. My body ached like hell, and I didn't even want to see the disaster that was left on my poor skin.
I always allowed this shit to happen and then it kicked me in the rear on the worst day of the week.
I fucking HATE Mondays.
My alarm went off then, the melody of 'Bad Guy' by Billie Eilish ringing to my left side. I didn't even budge, letting the music play as if it were more of a lullaby then a reminder to get my ass up.
"You might as well ask to take today off if you're going to sleep in."
I poked an eye open just to glare at the smirking mass of confidence standing there in an exquisite black suit that reminded me of Viktor's attire, only Onyx's tie was silver.
The way his eyes twinkled in amusement as I took him in only disgusted me to the point that I threw the pillow at him. He laughed and picked up my phone to stop the song from playing.
"Be nice, Willow," he encouraged, which made my eye twitch.
Literally twitch.
"It's William," I barked and finally rose up to give him a scowl. "Get the fuck out of my house."
"You're always so cranky when you're a guy," he whined. "What did I possibly do to piss you off today?"
"Existing," I dryly declared. The jolt of female laughter caught my attention as I turned my head to see Aurelia walking out of the kitchen with an apron on.
"See? I told you she secretly still hated your ass," she declared with pride.
Aurelia Clementine. 5'7" wolf shifter and witch descendent, and my best friend. She was literally my Ride or Die Bitch because she'd fuck shit up if anyone tried to mess with me -if I, Viktor, and even Onyx didn't finish them off first.
Her body was slim like mine, her curves just as scrumptious though between the two of us, she had the wilder persona. If anyone thought I was dangerous, she was cynical and hid it with her innocent appearance.
Her hair was what made her stand out the most, neon teal strands that transitioned to the perfect neon gold that matched her striking eyes. With her light usage of makeup and the nude lipstick she always donned on her flawless face, she was as close to natural beauty as they came in this time and age.
I knew without a doubt she was wearing some sort of leather attire with fishnet. Adding her witch collar necklace that she wore to ensure everyone knew her status at the witch coven, she was a pure beauty to look at while carrying a whole lot of power.
Her wolf was at the top of our Pack House, and it was only a matter of time before my father promoted her to get a pack of her own to join in an alliance.
The De Luca’s and Clementine’s bond was always rocky, but since I somehow befriended Aurelia, who apparently couldn't last a week with a person close to her age before they begged to be as far away as possible, the business connection seemed to solidify.
Another one of the many reasons I was a big asset to my asshole father.
Aside from Aurelia's mastery in spellwork and Alpha qualities, she had a knack for creating some of the strongest potions for various situations, from the simple love ones to the ones she created for me to boost my magic enough to help me switch into my male form and remain there.
Papa Dearest would never admit it, but Aurelia was the ace in power, and he'd lose big time if he lost her allegiance.
To him, I was probably the Joker, if not a wild card.
My pout was obvious, which made Aurelia skip right over to the bed. She literally jumped onto the black sheets and sighed dramatically.
"So who did laundry?" she inquired with a questioning look. My frown deepened before I looked over to realize one of my windows was open and Onyx was literally nowhere to be found.
"For fuck’s sake," I grunted and was out of bed and peering out the window to make sure his muscled ass didn't drop seventy-five plus floors to avoid my wrath.
"Did he actually jump?" Aurelia called out in curiosity.
"I don't know!" I huffed before lifting my head and feeling rough lips press against mine. I literally blinked before my eyes narrowed in fury as Onyx leaned up from where he was hanging from the roof.
"I'm late for work, Will. Think of me." With a wink he was pulling himself right onto the roof where his racing footsteps seemed to vanish entirely.
"Dammit! Onyx!" I practically screamed before shutting the only window in my room that could be opened. Aurelia whistled before I turned around to give her a deadly stare.