Page 76 of Wolf Awakened
"That's news to me," I genuinely replied as I relaxed against my chair. "Why am I being brought into my father's affairs? Did you miss his office, or is it because he retired early for the day as I'm about to in four minutes?"
"We purposely came to see you."
"Again, as a warning. Not necessarily a threat, but seeing as you still have ties with Roberto, I'd suggest you decide which side you're on in a prompt manner, for we have an agenda to fill, and either you're going to join us or be a victim of circumstance."
All I could do was stare at them until I lowered my leg and stood right up.
"Anything else?"
When the four of them remained in place in silence, I nodded my head and gestured to the door. "If you four just waltzed over to the De Luca's building to warn me and not the man running this vast empire, you've missed your way," I emphasized loud and clear. "Roberto's business, whether it's during the day of busy bidders and players like yourselves trying to win some sort of power struggle in the land of the wealthy, or in the dark depths of the nights where wolves claim territory and loyalty, is not something that interests me. Don't pull me into his foolish errors of judgment, for he makes those decisions on his own and I'm deemed unworthy to be a part of such consensuses.”
"You realize those rules don't apply when it comes to what your father does on the side, right?" Dimitris pressed the topic. I knew he was referring to the rules of the mafia.
"I'm aware, but then again, I'm sure you've done your research and know where I stand in all of this," I reasoned and checked the clock again before proceeding to gather my important belongings: my wallet, keys, and LV cardholder.
"You'd be a fool if you ignore this offer we're attempting to deliver."
"You've delivered your message loud and clear, Dimitris Moore." My voice was stern as rock as I narrowed my eyes and met his cold ones.
It was obvious that by rejecting their "warning" or hidden offer I would be left wide open to them trying to hurt me in the long run.
Or at least use me against my father. Laughable.
"One thing you'll learn rather quickly about me: I don't cower when my opponent is far stronger. I don't wilt when the sun isn't shining down in my favor. My world has always been filled with darkness, to the point that I devour it like a glass of wine after smashing my fists into the faces of my enemies. The sound of bones crackling brings me utmost joy, and seeing any man quiver at the mere mention of my name delivers great gratification."
My lips curled up in a sinister grin and I emitted a hearty laugh that made my bodyguards gulp in fear while I stared at the four men who believed they could ruin me.
"I live for the thrill of destruction. Thirst for the screams of agony and torment. I'll give you bonus points for being attractive, but two can play that game, and I don't plan on losing."
I knew the game they were playing. They were a powerful group of fuckers, but I wouldn't go down without a grand fight that left at least one of them injured.
Scratch that. I'll kill them all.
"You'll submit to us, Willow."
The words only made me laugh harder as I lowered back into my chair and loosened my tie. The doors opened then, and a body was thrown to the floor, catching our attention as he bled out. Viktor looked at me as I shrugged. "Jeez. Isn't that, what...the fifth assassin this week?"
Shaking my head, I turned my attention back on the four men, who returned their gazes to me. I could tell this guy wasn't associated with them, which told me there was another party -or parties -trying to use the Forbidden pack as bait.
I love me some detective work.
"It's William De Luca, boys. Remember that the next time you've got the guts to come to my business and persuade me to join the dark side...which I'm already on. Make sure you don't trip on the body on your way out."
Yup. I just started a dangerous war.
"I'll be fine,Viktor. I need someone I trust to investigate this shit. Someone thinks we're stupid enough to believe that the Forbiddens are the ones involved with that ambush, but I doubt it."
I was pacing the skyline suite of the nearest hotel, protocol when someone tried a direct attack on a De Luca. I'd been here since the assassin was found by Onyx, who decided to point out that it seemed we had two enemy groups on our list: the Forbidden and the unknown pack that sent five trained assassins to try and take me out.
This wasn't the first time I'd been in a situation like this, but it really was bad timing.
Getting a visit from those four sexy Forbiddens then being thrown into this fancy hotel room instead of enjoying my Friday night kicking ass in the ring.
The idea of being captive in this place had me pacing the luxury red carpet of my room, my eyes scanning the views outside while acknowledging the private helicopters searching the ground from above while I was sure a good hundred wolves were searching below through the busy evening streets of NYC.
After listening to the news for what felt like hours, it was obvious that what happened at our enterprise was being kept on the down low. I didn't blame Papa Dearest one bit, but the fact that he was going a little overboard on the protection wagon was starting to bother me.