Page 116 of Wolf Endangered
When did she...?
"It looks like our Willow is learning a bit too fast,"my wolf whispered."I don't know whether I should be turned on or fucking frightened."
She walked to the end of the hospital bed and leaned against the plastic frame, then closed her eyes for a brief moment. I could see she was trying to control her breathing, which gave me a hunch she was trying to reel her wolf back.
It took a minute, but when her eyes opened, they were back to their blue jewels.
"Came to check on Papa Dearest and instead chose violence," she hummed as if it were a questionable debate. "Welp. That was intriguing. Shall we get to the point? Because I'm reaching my limit in patience, and I'm sure you have other things to deal with than a hungry woman."
Beta Malachite bobbed his head just slightly, acknowledging her words before glancing at the bed where Roberto lay.
"You want this between us," he concluded without her starting the obvious conversation.
"Out of all of the designated Betas, you're the one who everyone fears the most," Willow announced as she crossed her arms. "I know we barely crossed paths when I was a child and well into my adult years, but you're legally written on many of my Father's documents as second-in-command if things go astray or he needs to be absent for a period of time."
Pausing to make sure he was giving her his full attention, she got to the point.
"We need three months of secrecy regarding this matter. No one should know that Roberto is down. How you're going to accomplish that is up to you, however, no one else should know about this unless you trust them to keep the information a secret. If it comes out, your life will be in jeopardy, and don't think because I'm not as bloodthirsty as my father that I won't slice your head, use your blood for some art session with my boyfriend, and place your head on display to remind Papa Dearest that he can't trust anyone."
Beta Malachite nodded while I stood their admiring Willow's behavior. It was dominating and fucking hot to watch - the combination not good for my cock.
"Good. If he's not awake in three months, we'll take the next step needed to address the pack. By then, I'll know what to do," she concluded.
"Yes, Alpha," he replied.
She frowned at his reply. "Don't use such terms when I'm in control," she brushed off. "If you need me, contact Viktor. He'll forward the message."
"Understood," Beta Malachite replied.
"We'll take our leave," she declared and waltzed right out of the room. I knew she'd expect me to follow her, but I took a moment to glance at Beta Malachite. I expected to see displeasure in his eyes, but instead, he was smiling.
My wolf didn't like that very much.
"You're smiling because?" I bitterly questioned.
His eyes moved over to meet mine – ruby orbs standing out due to his pitch-black hair, dark caramel flesh, and black attire.
"She carries Roberto's blood for sure," he casually replied. "Let's see if the pack will turn a blind eye when she makes her debut. That is, if she needs to."
I had nothing to say to counter that, so I spun around and headed to the door. "Keep me posted on his condition and any disturbances that occur in the pack."
"Sure," he replied as he watched me leave. Closing the door, I took a deep inhale and let it out.
Why do I worry about the members of the pack being murdered in Willow's care rather than the other way around?
"Willow ain't no weak bitch and her patience for all those who mocked her existence is as thin as a slice of plastic wrap,"my wolf concluded."Now move your ass. Our ride is here and I want another glimpse of Willow's sexiness."
Tame yourself or I'll lock you up for a week in there.
"Protective fool."
I didn't say anything as I looked down the hall to see Willow was leaning against the wall in front of the elevator with her eyes closed. Even a simple position like that made her look outstanding from afar, and I wondered how long I could be silent about my true feelings.
Fool me once, shame on you.
"We needsomeone driving us back because?"
"They don't want you trying to figure out the exact path to this place," I replied as the sunset rays finally washed into the car after twenty minutes of darkness in the tunnels.