Page 159 of Wolf Endangered
If you excuse me, I have a meal to enjoy.
I blocked him out of my head, and I noticed my wolf as he began to walk towards the surface. His eyes of golden blue were already shifting to a deadly shade of red.
"He's going to kick our asses later,"he pointed out the obvious.
He knows I listen to no one in this form. He's a good Alpha. I'll give him that much. But in these realms, we know how dangerous we can be.
"Just like how he's just as lethal in his realms, Saint."
I love how you try to speak logic in times like these.
"If I don't, I'll lose you to the claws of insanity."
Your devotion is appreciated.
A dart of black shot past my cheek, cutting my flesh and crashing into the barrier that sizzled into existence.
"Ah," I sarcastically stated as my blood began to roll down my cheek from the cut. "What creatures of the night did they bring to try to kill us, hmm?"
"Witches,"my wolf announced."I sense four. Decent power. North, South, East, and West. They're the ones stopping the others from getting through to this blocked-off section."
"Witches, huh?" I used my finger to catch the drop of blood that threatened to fall, enjoying the sight of thick black. "Now what in the Coven's name do we have going on, hmm? Is our sweet Willow so threatening that you have to stoop so low to try to take her out? Pathetic."
"If they're here for Willow, there has to be some sort of political issue going on."
Warmth swarmed my injured cheek and it was healed in a flash. I lifted my hand up and wiggled my fingers. The dart that was fighting to get through my barrier shattered into raining black pieces.
"Why don't we get the culprits out of the way?" I whispered to myself as I lifted my foot off the ground just slightly. With a stomp against the ground, the entire surface trembled, the vibrations rushing forward as I sought out my four targets.
It took seconds to spot their hidden locations, and with a snap of my fingers, their screams shot through the air before they grew louder and louder until they were mere inches from me.
The four of them were definitely female from their scents, and regardless of their cloaking masks, I knew they had to be a part of the Coven's assassin force because of their black getups.
They tried to escape my black ropes, but those were made to keep my prisoners trapped for as long as I wished it.
A day, a month, a year, a century. Ah...the good old days.
"Let go!" a brave girl demanded. I didn't need to look far – it was the culprit right in front of me from the North. "You have no right to interfere. It's against the law!"
"Law?" I questioned in pure mockery. "What law gives you the right to kill a wolf shifter? Or worse: what makes you think you can mess with the Forbidden?"
I didn't need to see her face through her mask to hear the gulp in her throat, and I shook my head as a tsk left my lips.
"First the bomb attack and now this? Desperation is imminent, isn't it. Definitely shows in your sloppy attempts to take down a woman that has nothing to do with any of you."
"She's an abomination and needs to be eliminated!" the woman to my left sneered.
"Stop, Alga!" the one to the right demanded.
My hand was already moving, and she was soon a screaming mess, followed with gurgles of her own blood while those wide eyes of black with hues of purple magic lowered to see my nails had just darted right through her neck. Her magic was desperately trying to save her, but all it was doing was filling up the cores of my nails that continued to absorb the magical force.
"Abomination?" I questioned and my voice was unrecognizable as it was filled with menace. "Our Blossoming Flower who wasn't worthy of your cult of bitches is now an abomination for being born with magic? A woman your Council of Magical Beings confirmed was far too different to belong. Yet, from the flow of your magic, you're a human-born, chemically created witch and yet you're not the abomination?"
She couldn't answer because her eyes were losing life, and all I could do was laugh as I gave a devilish grin. "Let my face be the last you see, child. Tell your maker you brought death upon yourself and will carry all the sins you've committed upon these lands in a world that was never destined to be yours to walk upon.”