Page 195 of Wolf Endangered
None of us said anything, but I was surprised by the low chuckle that rumbled against Milo's throat.
"You thought I wanted to fit into this fucked-up world?" Milo whispered with so much amusement, I almost thought he’d lost a screw for a second. From the intense gazes of Willow and Neo, they were just as intrigued as me by Milo's behavior.
"Where I was born, we were bathed in rivers of gold. Where I wished to be raised, we wore crowns with our heads up high. My family chose this path for me not because we came to fit in. They encouraged me to live this poor, wretched life to humble me," he quietly revealed. "You knew exactly what you were doing when you kidnapped me from the streets and took me to that fucked-up place of torture. You knew who I was...and who I one day would be. You knew what a worthy asset I'd be and only wanted to keep me around so when your weak little queen asked for my head, you'd have it on demand."
I was coming to realize Milo wasn't as foolish as one would expect. I side glanced at Willow to see her obvious shock, and Neo was smirking like we'd literally won the lottery.
Fuck...maybe we just did.
"So...before you go to meet your Creator, let me tell you. In my world, the lands of fae, they respect me no matter the shade of my flesh, and I am a man people kneel down for. This richly dark skin your world mocked is worshipped in my lands. You believe I was born to be a black monkey, but I have the ability to change my flesh to whatever color I see fit."
My eyes widened as his skin color indeed began to shift, the dark skin quickly turning to a brilliant porcelain shade. It reminded me of a chameleon changing its appearance to blend into the world.
Even Ronald's eyes widened just slightly from the barely open state, and how rewarding it was to see his heightened regret for failing.
Milo's skin returned to his dark, tanned shade and he smiled brilliantly.
"So, let me tell you. I'm proud of who I represent. I carry my head up high to prove to the little boys and girls stuck upon those streets that in another land, there's a rightful place for them and a world that would accept them." He raised his hand then, and his smile surely couldn't be more spectacular.
There was so much pride, happiness, and hidden strength while his eyes blazed with triumph.
"Your world was never made for me to fit in. My kind was created to break the barriers the selfish leaders of this land fight to keep your supernatural races captive within. It's a shame you won't be alive for the uprising that lies ahead but don't worry," Milo assured him. "I'll ensure your head is delivered to your queen myself. A souvenir...and reminder that she'll share a similar fate to yours."
His last word triggered golden flames that burst into existence at the tips of Ronald's toes. I knew right away this fire was different - a unique blend of fae magic and elemental flame that morphed into something that surely replicated hellfire.
The pain had to be severe enough for him to scream with whatever vocal cords he had left, and we watched as the flames took their sweet time in moving up his body.
"How is he able to feel?" Neo calmly asked, drawing our attention to him. While his closed eyes remained looking at Ronald's feet, his lips were lifting further up in glee. "He should have lost his sense of feeling down there by now."
That brought our eyes to Milo, and the look alone proved we may have found someone crazier than Neo but who carried an elegance to his tip of insanity.
"These flames are extremely rare," he confessed. "Only specific fae wolves can summon them. Their burning core essence doesn't just reach the flesh and bone. It devours down to the individual’s soul, meaning that he's feeling every bit of pain at the soul level."
My jaw went loose, as did Willow's, the two of us taken aback by the news while Neo was giving him a full-fledged smile. I had a very strong feeling those two -and potentially Nico hiding within -would get along quite nicely.
"I'm going to take a dangerous guess," Neo began and I could see the sudden shift in his aura, as could Willow. She didn't seem shocked by Nico's sudden appearance, but it only proved he was picking up on what Milo was. "You're royalty. And from your energy, you're far more similar to us than we originally realized."
Milo shrugged as he snapped his fingers. The flames that were mid-leg level paused in their rising movement. Ronald was somehow still screaming like a lunatic, but we were tuning him out and completely focused on Milo.
"Only royals can sense another royal," he admitted. "But only those who carry an endangered trait can get along with one another."
He crossed his arms for a moment as he observed the three of us.
"I am a prince, one from a very powerful kingdom. However, my story is mine to hold dear until I can completely trust you. Like you said, this alliance does not mean I'm a part of your pack, though my loyalty will be strong with the royal ties I carry within my blood." His entire demeanor seemed different, but his aura was mesmerizing to witness as it danced around him like flames.
His eyes locked onto Willow's.
"I'll share my origin when I'm comfortable doing so and I can ensure my daughter's safety. Once I can do that and take her to whom she needs to be with, I'll gladly reveal my heritage and my true form."
True form.
Nico chuckled, and I could tell he was beyond pleased with Milo's words.
"I like a man who holds dark secrets," he admitted. "We'll talk about the details on another occasion."
Then Neo was back, as was Milo, the power of authority leaving him as well. Milo snapped his fingers once more, and the fire began to move again.
"This will take some time," he began. "I’d rather the process be slower. It will have greater lingering effects on his soul even after he crosses over."