Page 209 of Wolf Endangered
"Accurate," I stated with a slight smirk. "However, we haven't really gotten the chance to do the same with you, and it's annoying."
"I feel like I'm not using Bria to the best of my ability," she admitted.
"It'll feel like that in the beginning," I assured her. "But cut yourself some slack. You were used to living this life without anyone to rely on. Now you have an extension of yourself who carries their own traits of power and wisdom. It's something to get used to. Is Bria on the quiet side?"
"She's not shy," she stressed. "She’s observant and very wise. I feel like she's a good balance for me. I sometimes feel bad because I don't ask of her as much as I feel I should, but if I need her, she's there."
"Then that's a good progression," I assured her. "Once we go for more pack runs, you'll get a better feel for balance."
"Can we run now?" she asked as if she'd forgotten that was what we were going to do.
"Yes," I replied and let her go. "Want to risk losing that set of lingerie?"
She blinked and looked down at herself. With a devilish grin, she took a few steps back and proceed to strip right out of the lace number. I wondered if she knew her confidence in her body was fucking hot.
She was naked and folded her attire nicely before walking to a nearby tree and placing it at the base of it.
"There," she replied as she rose up and looked back at me. "Can we go now?"
I chuckled and winked. "Lead the way, Rebel," I encouraged.
Her eyes darkened with mischief before she ran forward.
I didn't delay as I slipped out of my boxers and tossed them to where she'd neatly placed her set. I couldn't keep my eyes off her naked frame as she picked up her speed.
With how thick the forest was becoming, I'd lose her if I delayed any longer.
"Time to be free, buddy,"I encouraged, and my wolf howled in my mind while I was already running swiftly.
I briefly lost Willow, but my ears picked up on her shift - her bones cracking out and into place. Her howl was nearby, and it only made me grin as my wolf ran to the surface and triggered our shift.
I was on all fours the next second, my vision flourishing as the world of darkness burst into various glowing lights. No one could tell me that night wasn't the best time to run. You got to witness the pure beauty and shades the energy of the world delivered, and the exhilarating high you experienced was beyond words.
I had to speed up because I forgot how fast Willow was. She was dangerously fast, and I literally was running at full speed to even keep my eyes on her. It almost made me want to get Dimitris because I had no clue where my Rebel Flower was going, but as if sensing my struggle, she began to slow, until she was frolicking in a clearing with various flowers.
I was panting when I reached her, while she was literally rolling around and sniffing a set of winter blooms. There was barely any snow on the ground, but these flowers always flourished in the heart of winter.
"Woof!" She happily rolled and laid on her stomach while watching me as I approached.
She just stared at me, which told me she wasn't used to the connection in her wolf form.
She tilted her head just slightly before she rolled again, then ran around me in circles the next minute. She paused for a moment, which caught my attention, her nose sniffing the air before she panted happily and looked at me.
It took me a few moments to catch onto the slightly familiar scent of another wolf nearby.
"Don't mind me."Onyx specifically catered the message to me."I figured you may need an extra pair of eyes with Willow in her wolf form."
Thanks. Dimitris is pretty tired.
"I noticed,"Onyx admitted."I'll be around. I'm going to move further away before Sugar tries to catch me. She's a bit too fast for comfort."
Seriously. She's dangerously fast.