Page 242 of Wolf Endangered
"Are you absolutely stupid?"
"No," I replied. "I have a few psychological issues, but I'm smart as fuck."
The stare he gave only made me pout back – until another eerie howl pierced the chilled night air. "What's your name, by the way?"
"I don't have enough tolerance to keep you around," he concluded.
"Now that's just mean," I reasoned. "I was just asking your name."
He shook his head but muttered, "Loki. Now, go away."
"I'm staying right here, Loki," I encouraged. "Besides, I'm pretty good at fighting."
"You're not good at fighting mutant wolf shifters," he muttered and grabbed my hand.
"Mutant wha-AH!" I shrieked because he literally threw me up in the air like I was a fucking twig - my back just an inch below the rather sharp ceiling of spikes before I was plummeting down to the ground.
I couldn't do anything - not like I had to - as I crashed into a solid surface of fur.
"Holy fucking shit," I cursed and looked down to the white wolf beneath me. The massive creature was probably triple my wolf size. If it wasn't for the wolf collar with massive spikes, I wouldn't have thought this man was Loki from how pure white his fur was.
It literally reminded me of mine, only the ends were a mix of midnight purple and black. I noticed one thing that was rather obvious against his white coat: the multiple red scars - some still fresh and others that had never really healed.
He was stretching his body and shaking himself out. I couldn't help but reach out and lightly press on the wounded part. He froze - a growl escaping his throat. I couldn't help but whisper, "Who hurt you?"
Bria was up and way closer to the surface than I'd like in a situation like this, but for some odd reason, the sight of such a large wound angered her -and me.
"Did the Vile Queen do this to you?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. The anger in me was going to get someone killed by accident, but I just couldn't comprehend such a wound.
One of many.
Yes, I'd dealt with years of torture, but I mentally encouraged myself that there would come a time in my life when it would end. That I would grow old enough to get out of my situation and free myself from captivity.
I couldn't exactly understand why Roberto did what he did, but as I unraveled who I was and my heritage, I knew I'd have the guts to have that conversation with him. But this was different.
This man was an adult, well into his twenties if not thirties, and he was still being treated like a caged animal. This fucking Vile Queen was using everyone else to do her dirty work, allowing people like Felicia to control someone like him.
A wolf of this size and strength, with a heart that held ligaments of compassion to attend to me like I was someone of importance to him was being compelled.
How fucked up is this?
His head lifted up and he howled loudly, enough that it literally shook everything around us. I knew from the sound he wasn't calling for help.
He was warning our enemies he would play around.
We were moving before I could comprehend it, and I moved my hands so I could hold onto an area of his flesh that wasn't battered and healing.
"Loki?! Where are we going?"
He didn't reply, his focus on running fast through the thick snow. It was far darker here, even though it felt like we were extremely high up on this very mountain, but I was fucking thankful for the black suit because it was below freezing temperatures here.
I tried to contact anyone in the pack, but it was like my thoughts were hitting a wall. Even my tunneled connections with my mates weren't doing anything.
"Fuck," I cursed when I realized I didn't have my phone to call Viktor either.
The hairs on my arms suddenly rose up in instinctive warning, and I suddenly ducked in time to avoid a huge mass of black that darted at us from the side.
"What in the fuck?" I cursed and looked to my right to see the oddest shit I'd ever witnessed. The creature was a wolf, or at least had once been a wolf. Its flesh was like melting mud, and the energy coursing around it revealed an intense usage of dark magic.