Page 111 of Wolf Domination
Fuck. We’re gonna have to get her a Voodoo doll or some shit with that look.
“You sense that too, huh?”Neo noted, which meant I said that most likely in the pack bond.
“What’s this about buying Willow a Voodoo doll?”Jayce pondered.
“More like we should be asking where the hell are you guys cause it doesn’t feel like you’re in the fucking country,”Viktor noted.“We have just gotten the envelopes for the secret location.”
“We’re coming, impatient fools,”Arthur gleefully noted, which only reminded us he was in the pack bond.
“Wait a fucking minute. Arthur!”Loki’s growling voice made the son of the devil begin to chuckle nervously in our minds.
“The number you’ve reached is out of service. Please try again later. This is a recording. BEEP!”Arthur declared and added,“Can I take the silk and ditch? I don’t want to die from Loki’s wrath. He’s actually scary when he’s mad.”
“Sure,”Milo offered.
Loki grumbled,“I can fucking hear you! Where’s that dumb ass clone of yours?!”
“Hiding for his life, duh,”Arthur announced.“Just like me.”
Arthur clapped his hands three times, and the rolls of silk all gathered to spin around him before he bowed in Willow’s direction.
“Duty calls, Sweet Blood Rose. I’ll be back with Christmas presents made for the grand runway!” he cheered.
“Does my nickname change when I’m in a different universal plane or something?” she asked more to herself before the rest of Arthur’s words dawned on her. “Wait. Arthur, how are you going to get out of…”
She trailed off because he literally poofed out of existence with the silks.
“He’s gone,” Willow declared and glanced around us. “Shit. We need to go, don’t we?”
“Apparently the invitations for the secret location arrived at our place which means we have about two hours before the show,” Neo disclosed.
“Then we can’t waste even a minute,” Milo emphasized. “Thank you once again for these supplies. Greet King Malifer and Queen Lexianne for me. I know it’s been a long time since our brief encounter, but I appreciate their aid with this.”
“ViViVo!” they cheered before the leader whistled and pointed in the other direction. “ViVi!”
“ViViViVi.” They began to waddle away before Milo helped Willow stand up.
“So how do we get out of here exactly?” Willow inquired. “Cause I don’t know how I brought us here at all.”
“That was totally Willa,” I noted.
“Milo? Can you manage?” Dimitris asked with concern. I guessed teleporting in and out of Faerie wasn’t as easy as one would think.
“Won’t be hard in this form,” Milo assured us as he moved his free hand to make a circular motion and proceeded to snap his fingers.
Our surroundings changed once more; the forest of green and shadows reformed around us as the scent of death and blood tickled the air.
All we had to do was look around to see we were in the middle of a circle of dead bodies. From their all-black attire to the guns of various types lying on the ground or in their grasp, it was strikingly clear they had fallen into a trap.
“Well shit. How did they die?” Willow asked the prime question that was all on our minds.
“Guess it was Will,” Neo announced.
“Me? No, wait. Male Willa? He didn’t…oh…” She didn’t finish as she looked in the direction Neo was peering.
All I had to do was follow with my eyes to land on the “Will Was Here” display that was drawn in blood and accented with bullet holes against the wide bark of an oak tree.
“See, Willa was probably living her best life exploring and they tried to jump her or something,” Willow summed up. “Wait. What’s this about me having another mate somewhere?”